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Is there a script that switchs ownership of beds or footlockers?


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Hi, I am an up and coming modder, I started off with doing models in Blender, but since a New Nifscript has not been made for 2.5X, I put that on hold for now.


Instead I'm going to swap to doing quests and scripts, since I can get started on them right away if I wished.




I would like to know how swap ownership of items, beds or footlockers.


Because I am making a mod that increases the rewards you get from completing a certain amount of quests from each area. The first area I am doing, is Camp Forlorn Hope.


Now in Vanilla, there isn't much to do there after all the quests are done, and with my mod, there still won't be.


But what I want to do is this, when the player solves most of CFH's problems, they get a bed and a footlocker dedicated to them only in one of the Tents.


Eventually I want to do this for Hidden Valley, Camp McCarran and Mohave outpost, possibly more.


wiil someone help me?

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You will want to give the bed, locker, etc, their own persistent reference names so you can reference them in a script. In the script (probably should use a quest script result scripts) you will have commands like:




will set ownership to the player.





will clear ownership completely.

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