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Alice: Madness Returns Dresses


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For those of you who haven't seen them ( http://alice.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Alice:_Madness_Returns_Dresses ).


I really liked the dresses in the game and wondered if anyone would be willing to add them (and similarly themed clothes and/or items; no need to stop at dresses after all) to the game.

I imagine the clothes being either imported from the Shivering Isles (how? I have no idea) or being sold exclusively there (shopping trip anyone?).


If there are any copyright issues, please tell me.

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Not all parts of a game are automatically copyright protected (Alice, for instance, is probably not because the original works are now public property) but maybe the dresses are (is there somewhere I can find out exactly what is and isn't copyright protected?).

As for Alice's waist training (tightlacing; look it up)? Well, a few modifications and the dresses could fit a regular person (not that she looks that extreme; she is just naturally slim and perhaps slightly underweight).

Edited by Edokage
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If a person were to make the dress themselves without grabbing anything from the copyright holder, it would be more likely to be legal, especially when fitting the dress to a model that definitely doesn't look like Alice. However, the design on the dress is probably going to be a little bit of an issue as that is likely going to fall under the copyright. Slight changes to the design though should circumvent those issues.
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I like the checkmate, cheshire, classic, hattress, late but lucky, misstitched, royal suit and steamdress. Since some of the cloths came from non copywrite like the classic from the disney movie. Can't really copywrite the four suits from deck of cards or chess pieces or even the astro signs. lots of mods here that use outfits, armors and weapons from many games.


Now if you were making a mod that copied the game play into oblivion. Then I would say you had some major issues.

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