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And thank you greywaste for your great post as well. I loved the first part, and only partially agree with the second. I do believe that many of us do carry around prejudices. However, we are not born with them. They are learned. So we can either not learn them or unlearn them if we choose.

Thank you - I don't enjoy posting harshly like that but I really wish he'd just focus on the actual topics instead of willfully taking nearly every thread off on some tangent.

Very good point about predjudices, though some I think we can never completely unlearn but those are ones we can try our best to override and / or treat as irrational and unfair.

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You're buying into the "left wing good, right wing bad" thing, there is as much racsim among left wing voters as there is on the right. In this country when traditional Labour voters felt they were not being represented by the party many jumped ship to the BNP, a party full of raving Nazis.

might of been different in the UK, but in the US civil rights were opposed by the republican party and supported by the democratic party. It would not make sense to vote democratic if you opposed civil rights. The party agenda for the republicans was to oppose civil rights, while the party agenda for the democrats was to support it.


Ugh... Might have been different, not might of...

Your posts are just so dishonest or flat out ignorant that I don't even bother partaking in lots of the debates here thanks to the trashy and ignorant level you for one drag them down to with posts like this.


He stated clearly why he thought his Father voted democrat and it makes perfect sense unless you're a blinkered little demagogue. I'll clarify, not that I should have to since he already clearly explained : The democrats pro union stance was more important to him than their stance on minorities.


Simple no?


Now, back to the thread - which I think is a goner already to be honest - Everyone carries predjudices of some sort around with them, it's an unfortunate part of being Human.

Are you seriously trying to call my post trashy when you go into something throwing around insults? I also would suggest you use proper grammar yourself if you want to comment on the grammar of others.


If you would have bothered to actually read my opinion on the actually topic instead of trying to attacked me on a subject that was already dealt with, you would have noticed I agree with you.

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... prejudices ... we are not born with them. They are learned. So we can either not learn them or unlearn them if we choose.


I couldn't agree more, and as you correctly state, " ... if we choose" ... that is really the crux, " ... if we choose", those three words banded together answer most of life's issues that we face ... very insightful indeed.

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It is part of human psychology to want to divide into groups or "tribes" to survive.


Keeping people outside of your "tribe" that is not similar to you is a survival method.


I think we are born with certain prejudices. You do have to learn what group you're in as you grow up, however as I said in another post some people may recognize this group as the entire human race, or every intelligent conscious creature. Some people may not recognize AI machines are part of their group for example, even if they are in every way equal to a human.

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It is part of human psychology to want to divide into groups or "tribes" to survive.


Keeping people outside of your "tribe" that is not similar to you is a survival method.


I think we are born with certain prejudices. You do have to learn what group you in as you grow up, however as I said in another post some people may recognize this group as the entire human race, or every intelligent conscious creature. Some people may not recognize AI machines are part of their group for example, even if they are in every way equal to a human.


This is a very good point, not one I'd thought of. I shall think on this.

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Well, firstly, people fear the unknown--that's maybe why a lot of "new"* movements are getting trouble, and why people who've had sheltered lives might be freaked out by different people. Secondly, we're not really living in a post-racial or post-feminist society--the laws we have are helping, but still, people need more education if we want to change the way women, people of colour, people with disabilities and LGBTQIA** people are treated. IMO, crackdowns on certain behaviours aren't doing as much good as they should be, because people aren't taught not to hate from Day 1. Nobody's actually born hateful, but our society is full of bad messages and stereotypes about people outside the default group.





*The LGBT rights movement isn't even that new, but it's currently the most visible.


**Q stands for "queer" or "questioning", I is for "intersex" (replacement term for "hermaphrodite" which is considered offensive when referring to a person) and A is for "asexual".

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Well, firstly, people fear the unknown--that's maybe why a lot of "new"* movements are getting trouble, and why people who've had sheltered lives might be freaked out by different people. Secondly, we're not really living in a post-racial or post-feminist society--the laws we have are helping, but still, people need more education if we want to change the way women, people of colour, people with disabilities and LGBTQIA** people are treated. IMO, crackdowns on certain behaviours aren't doing as much good as they should be, because people aren't taught not to hate from Day 1. Nobody's actually born hateful, but our society is full of bad messages and stereotypes about people outside the default group.





*The LGBT rights movement isn't even that new, but it's currently the most visible.


**Q stands for "queer" or "questioning", I is for "intersex" (replacement term for "hermaphrodite" which is considered offensive when referring to a person) and A is for "asexual".


Just to clarify, you are claiming that women are treated poorly in the year 2011? in what sense exactly?

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Well, women certainly haven't attained equality in many parts of the world--look at Africa and the Middle East. Even in the developed world, we don't have proper gender equality because women are subject to double standards and bashing for doing the exact same things that a guy gets accolades for. People still believe that women are weak little flowers whose sole purpose is to have babies and do the housework and giggle over wedding dresses. :( People still believe that women do not have free will in the same way men do. This is obviously grossly unfair.


However: many of the same people who believe that women are delicate flowers who hate sex and are only good for having babies and doing housework, believe that men are brutes and slaves to our hormones. :rolleyes:

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Well, women certainly haven't attained equality in many parts of the world--look at Africa and the Middle East. Even in the developed world, we don't have proper gender equality because women are subject to double standards and bashing for doing the exact same things that a guy gets accolades for. People still believe that women are weak little flowers whose sole purpose is to have babies and do the housework and giggle over wedding dresses. :( People still believe that women do not have free will in the same way men do. This is obviously grossly unfair.


However: many of the same people who believe that women are delicate flowers who hate sex and are only good for having babies and doing housework, believe that men are brutes and slaves to our hormones. :rolleyes:


I can agree that women in the third world still have it bad but here in the West they have it better than men in many ways; they are not drafted for the military, they almost aways win the lion's share of divorce precedings, get most of the money and the children and when committing crimes are treated less harshley than men so I don't see women in the West as having too many disadvantages.

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Well, women certainly haven't attained equality in many parts of the world--look at Africa and the Middle East. Even in the developed world, we don't have proper gender equality because women are subject to double standards and bashing for doing the exact same things that a guy gets accolades for. People still believe that women are weak little flowers whose sole purpose is to have babies and do the housework and giggle over wedding dresses. :( People still believe that women do not have free will in the same way men do. This is obviously grossly unfair.


However: many of the same people who believe that women are delicate flowers who hate sex and are only good for having babies and doing housework, believe that men are brutes and slaves to our hormones. :rolleyes:


I can agree that women in the third world still have it bad but here in the West they have it better than men in many ways; they are not drafted for the military, they almost aways win the lion's share of divorce precedings, get most of the money and the children and when committing crimes are treated less harshley than men so I don't see women in the West as having too many disadvantages.


You know, men's rights activists (whose actual goal is to put society back in the 1950s or earlier, socially) quote those things a lot. Citation very much needed for the last bits--I know women can't be drafted, though. You also forget that nobody's been drafted for nearly 40 years.


Women do not, on the whole, have it better in any society. Divorce proceedings and the draft do not the totality of society make. Women are not evil, they're just people. You know that "girl" is used as an insult quite frequently, and women are bashed for just doing the exact same thing that a guy would do, and are left alone with babies because of forced-birth laws and boyfriends who run out on them? We don't have true equality in the West--women are still being treated like baby factories, hate figures and sex objects.

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