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Texture mods using Wrye Bash?


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Is there a way to use Wrye Bash to install texture mods like QTP3 and such? I can't figure out how to make it work. I extracted the files, packed them into a 7zip file and moved it into the "Bash Installers" folder. Then I installed it through Wrye Bash, but with no effect to the textures ingame.

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Bashed patch won't affect any texture/mesh replacer. Have you done archive invalidation? BSA redirection is recommended.


I just found out about BSA redirection through Wrye Bash and I got the textures to work without archive invalidation. There is however a ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa file in my data folder, but it's only 3kb. They are telling me in the chat room that I need to use "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!" Anyway else my install will corrupt sooner or later. Is this true?


Here is a link explaining it: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/archiveinvalidation.html

Edited by Stonga
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Wrye Bash and OBMM use the same exact trick that Archive Invalidation Invalidated does so... You should be fine. The only thing to keep in mind is that redirection is based upon the "last modified" dates of the files in question so make sure all of your archives are at least a few years back.
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