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Ultra High Res Bighorner texture


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Hey all, I just uploaded an ultra high res bighorner texture, it's 16x larger than the original texture (16mp v 1mp) so you should be able to see the individual hairs on it's back.


On systems with lower specs I expect the frame rate will drop when you look at bighorners and you may have choppiness while it swaps out texture memory. On systems with good specs you'll have a brisk hiccup when it first loads the texture in to memory and after that you'll be fine.


I planned to create different resolution versions (this one is 4096x4096) but due to my dds plugin ceasing to function I couldn't render off anymore resolutions.




I actually created the texture in the few months following when the game first came out but I didn't post it until now because I've been busy with work.


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did you by any chance lose your DDS plugin by switching to Windows 7?


if you're running XP, you can use the dds converter v2 tool, google it and you'll find it easily enough :P

personally I used to use that until I upgraded to W7 and it stopped working, then I switched to a plugin for photoshop.



that all aside,

that looks damn near photorealistic. amazing work. just a pity I don't spend much time around bighorners.

absolutely 10/10.

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did you by any chance lose your DDS plugin by switching to Windows 7?


I can't put my finger on why it stopped working. It was working on my Win7 x64 with CS3. Between that time and now, the only change I can think of which would affect it is that I un-installed the AMD Catalyst Control Center because it conflicted with Visual Studio. As far as I remember DXT textures are decompressed on the vid card so maybe the plugin uses the vid card for compressing and I need to check my drivers. When I use the plugin now, the saved DDS is extremely dark with only the red channel peeking thru.


> if you're running XP, you can use the dds converter v2 tool, google it and you'll find it easily enough :P

> personally I used to use that until I upgraded to W7 and it stopped working, then I switched to a plugin for photoshop.


I tried dxtbmp but it crashed quietly with the larger files (the TIFF versions are 80MB each). I'll have to update my display drivers and install CCC again. I'm thinking that'll fix the DDS prob.


> that all aside, that looks damn near photorealistic. amazing work. just a pity I don't spend much time around bighorners.


Thanks mate. When I first got the game and walked up to the bighorner I was surprised at how bad it looked so I had to re-texture it. I use NMC's HD textures also because I have a habit of walking up to things and staring at the blurry pixels.

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that's what I used to use..I swapped out for


when I got Windows 7, the dds converter 2.1 one is incompatible with W7.


both have worked perfectly for me.. I'm not an expert in dds files or related stuff at all, I just know how to convert back and forth and I can use photoshop badly :P

my skillset seems to be in the overall processes, but I lack the talent for the really high quality models and texturing, so guys like you impress the heck out of me.

at any rate, hope those links help a bit, It'd be a real shame if you weren't able to work on retextures because of a utility failure...

worst case, pass me a file and I'll convert it one way or another and pass it back :P

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that's what I used to use..I swapped out for


when I got Windows 7, the dds converter 2.1 one is incompatible with W7.


both have worked perfectly for me.. I'm not an expert in dds files or related stuff at all, I just know how to convert back and forth and I can use photoshop badly :P

my skillset seems to be in the overall processes, but I lack the talent for the really high quality models and texturing, so guys like you impress the heck out of me.

at any rate, hope those links help a bit, It'd be a real shame if you weren't able to work on retextures because of a utility failure...

worst case, pass me a file and I'll convert it one way or another and pass it back :P


I tried that app too and it had the same result as the DDS plugin. I think tomorrow I'll update my drivers and add the CCC and then if I don't have success then I'll take you up on your offer of processing the files. I wish I had more talent for doing high quality models and textures too. The main thing is it requires patience and free time and a sense of reward when you've completed it. I don't have much patience or free time but the sense of reward for fixing the previous bighorner texture was high.


One game I would love to see re-textured would be Bioshock 2. In some places it looks like they took 16x16 resolution Windows 3.1 icons and wrapped them around columns and stones. I don't know if it's possible to re-texture though because steam may flag the files as invalid and re-download them.

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oh god I know what you mean, Bioshock 1 at least....if you set the graphics up to max, it sometimes takes a moment to figure itself out, but it does adjust to decent quality. thing being its all set up to scale the graphics quality when you're not looking at stuff, so naturally when you first start the game, things often look crappy beyond belief. bioshock 2 wasn't much improvement, but I particularly remember it on Bioshock 1.

I think steam doesn't touch files unless they're edited, adding new ones doesn't bother it because it ignores them thinking they're configuration or save files. or screenshots, or any of a dozen other files that it wouldn't be welcome removing. Fallout new vegas being a prime example of this behaviour....although actually, I've edited existing files before and its not cared either...hm..something to experiment with.


if you ever make a texture upgrade for either bioshock, send me a link :P it might give me reason to play those two again.

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