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Right, so I'm still new to the modding community so hello. I have downloaded a fair number of mods, around thirty, and I've tried various combinations of them over my time playing. Now when I look at oblivion, I can't remember what it looked like before I modded anything. I'm thinking of reinstalling to vanilla and only adding in the mods I'd like to keep just to clean everything up, but that seems awfully silly and time consuming considering I'd have to pin down my exact preferences on things like Dark UI and whatnot. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting things cleaned up and not leaving a lot of muck in my directory?

Secondly, and this is the more important question, is this. I want to create a quick-install version of my fully modded oblivion so that I can load oblivion onto my new desktop when it is finished and have all my mods and preferences brought over instantly. Is there a way to do this reasonably?

Thanks and sorry for the noobish question.


Also, for those few interested, here's what I'm currently running:

Better Abandoned House

Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

Brotherhood Renewed

Bruma Mages Guild Restored

Dark UI (customized)

Dark Brotherhood Armor Crime (AlterEgo)

All official DLC

Dreugh Armor

Enchanted Druid House

Expanded DB Sanctuaries

Hashshashin Armor

Immersive Interface

Imperial Library

Imperial Newtscale

Kvatch Essential NPCs

Let the People Drink

Light Imperial Armor

Lost Paladin of the Divines

The Lost Spires

Natural Environments

Nighteye Shader Replacement



Ranger Armor

Renzods Manequins

Sage's Skyrim Armory

Scimitar Mod

The Ordinator Armors V2

Helseth Armor

Verona House

Witchking Helm

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No need to reinstall. This will take you back to a vanilla game, and is reversible.

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game




If you still think you need to reinstall, the game reinstall doesn't remove everything. It leaves behind a lot of stuff from mods that can come back to haunt you on a reinstall. This removes everything leaving a clean slate to start over.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the WIKI section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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