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Construction Set Help Required.


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Hi, I've recently re-installed Oblivion in anticipation of Skyrim, and as i usually do, i downloaded the Construction Set to potch around and make fancy changes that the console wont let me do ingame.


Anyway, im not new to the construction set itself i've used it loads of times before and i followed the install process this time the same as any other, but for some reason, i cant open my construction set at all now, whenever i start to load the files into the set it freezes, usually around 20-30% of the load.


This happens wether i load with, or without any plugin .ESP's, and its never happened before, i did a quickl google and the only results i had said that the CS had issues with Vista, but i know i've had it working on this PC before now, even so i followed the "Fix" given in most of those threads setting the CS to run as admin, and that hasnt helped either.


I'm just hoping someone might know something i dont?.




Sorry once again if this is the wrong forum, i've followed here at the nexus for ages, but this is my first post :(

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Sorry yeah i guess i could have added that info :


Its pre Shivering Isles, my copy was bought before the Xpacs and i never downloaded them for Pc as i got GoTY for Xbox. the game is patched to 1.2.412 or w/e it is.


I have both the 1.0 and 1.2 versions of the construction set, With the first version (1.0) i can load all the data into the CS but whatever i try to save as ESP wont load into the game. and 1.2 wont load the ESM game data for me to even begin to make anything to try and save.

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Ok, so update!, I've got the construction set to work!, i tried uninstalling/reinstalling and patching and it works!.





Now i have a new issue, Whatever changes i make, (currently only spells) and save either to my own new ESP, or to an existing mods ESP, whenever i load into the game those spells dont exist. They're set as player start spells, and i've also tried the player.addspell <Code> and i get the


"Item <code> not found for paramater spell item. Compiled script not saved".


Anyone know why its doing this? i am running a few mods, well... quite a few really. but i cant see why that would make a difference would it?

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Make sure your ESP is activated, it is stupid, but I make the mistake every time.

<code> won't work, because you have to use XXID, where ID is the CS ID and XX your esp load order, or something, I don't/can't console so I'm no expert.

Player Start spell doesn't do a thing, IMO. Add them to the player Actor.


Hope this helped! ;)

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Make sure your ESP is activated, it is stupid, but I make the mistake every time.

<code> won't work, because you have to use XXID, where ID is the CS ID and XX your esp load order, or something, I don't/can't console so I'm no expert.

Player Start spell doesn't do a thing, IMO. Add them to the player Actor.


Hope this helped! ;)



Actually just confused me more! :P


Basically as an example, this is what im typing :


player.addspell 020011CE


Because that is the Form ID listed for my spell, but the result is the message i copied above, basically saying it doesnt exist or w/e i dont get what the load order has to do with it :S I've never had to use that before.




Did some reading about what you said, about the load order part, and even with changing it, it doesnt seem to have made any difference, my own ESP i moved to the third to load, so either 02 or 03 should work depending on the ESMs and how they're classed (i didnt read to much into it.)


From what i can gather, it seems like any ESP i makes changes just arnt being loaded into the game in the way they should be, so i cant find them in order to just add them, i guess i could go to another addon and add these spells to an NPC, but seems like a lot more work than i need really.

Edited by Beccy
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Add a gigantic bottle of beer at Weynon Priory, and check if it is there. If it isn't, your ESP isn't activated. Activate it through OBMM/Data button in Oblivion Launch screen (not possible with OBSE).

If the bottle is there, your spell should exist. Console all you want, I can't work with it.

For adding the spell:

Option 1: Add it to the player. Go to Actors -> NPC and locate the player. Edit him, go to Spells and add your spell to the player. This is done by dragging the spell, in the magic list, to your spell list on the player, which should say StandardRestoreHealthNovice and StandardFireDmgNovice or something like that. Make sure your spell is in there, press OK, save and test. This is the easy option


Option 2: Make an activator. Go to WorldObjects - Activators and find a cool mesh to do so, an altar for example. Only take stuff you know you can activate, there are flames in there, for example, and they don't work, so pick an ayleid button, a starnge candle, ... Give it a new ID, remove the script on it and name it "Activate me to get yar spells matey!". Note, this name is essential, or Mehrunes Dagon will feast on the remains of your tiny soul.

Press OK, OK for New Object? and save. Now create the script.


In the bar above, there are numerous buttons. Totally on the right, there are a Q, a text thing and a pencil. Press the pencil for scripts, or find it through the menus above.

Make a new script, and type/copypaste the following:

Scriptname aaScriptActivatorForSpells

Begin OnActivate

Player.AddSpell [YourSpellIDHere]


Few remarks:

The name doesnt matter.

YourSpellIDHere Should be the CS name, not the numeric thing. Like StandardFireShieldApprentice or something.

You can make multiple AddSpell for all your spells.


Go back to your activator, select your script from the list, OK and save. Place the activator anywhere in the world for the player to activate.

What will happen, if you activate the thing, you'll get your spell(s).

This is quite more difficult, but should Option 1 fail, take this.


One last question: Is Oblivion.ESM a master from your ESP? You should load it as well.

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