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NPC finally forcegreets correctly, now he won't stop


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What it says on the tin. Finally got the guy to forcegreet me without forgetting he's also supposed to follow me, and now the screen keeps trying to zoom in even though he's not trying to say anything. Here's the script I'm using:


short doonce


BEGIN GameMode


if NPCNameREF.getdetected player == 1

NPCNameREF.startconversation player NPCTopicForceGreetGREETING

set doonce to 1





Do I need to add more to the script to get the topic to "shut off" again? I have the force greet topics flagged as "say once" and the last one is also flagged "goodbye."


Hope I'm not asking what's already been answered here, but I've scoured the forums and couldn't find the answer, so...I'm here. :)

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As it is currently written, your if block is only conditional on him detecting you. That's why he keeps doing it. You need your if block to check the doonce variable as well.



If doonce == 0
    if NPCNameREF.getdetected player == 1
         NPCNameREF.startconversation player NPCTopicForceGreetGREETING
         set doonce to 1

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As it is currently written, your if block is only conditional on him detecting you. That's why he keeps doing it. You need your if block to check the doonce variable as well.



If doonce == 0
    if NPCNameREF.getdetected player == 1
         NPCNameREF.startconversation player NPCTopicForceGreetGREETING
         set doonce to 1


*THANK* *YOU*. I knew I had missed something, but I'm new enough to all of this I couldn't figure it out on my own. Whew!

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