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Player homes reflect player achievements


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As simple as it sounds; as you finish specific quests in the game you unlock decorations for your homes, which you can choose to either show or hide via a decoration menu of some kind.


Ideas for decorations unlockable upon completing quests:

The Battle for Castle Kvatch: Banners and (decorative only) shields with Kvatch's coat of arms.

The Siren's Deception: Your bedroom is redecorated (to match the one in the quest).

A Brush With Death: A magical painting (basically a small extension of the house, could be a nice way to expand your IC house).

Seeking Your Roots: A potted nirnroot that respawns at the same rate as other flowers.

A Venerable Vintage: A filled wine rack that refills itself after a few days.

Daedric Quests: Statues of the gods whose missions you have completed.


Special decorations:

Battlehorn Castle is decorated according to your progress in the Fighters Guild.

Frostcrag Spire is decorated according to your progress in the Mages Guild.

Dunbarrow Cove is decorated according to your progress in the Thieves Guild.

Deepscorn Hollow is decorated according to your progress in the Dark Brotherhood.

Edited by Edokage
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I like the idea, goona try & get this to work, could you come up with some more ideas in the meantime?


Edit - I do not have the battlehorn DLC though, but I can make addons for the other DLCs

Edited by FakePersonality
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I'll try.

Elaborating Guild influence:

Special player homes are gradually turned into guild halls (more trainers and merchants appearing and improving (apprentice to journeyman to expert training options and merchants have more varied and higher quality items and spells) .

Frostcrag Spire (Frostcrag Reborn version): Mage's guild banners and rugs are added upon becoming an apprentice. NPCs appear in lower living quarters (can't remember what they are called but they are accessible from the vault). When becoming guildmaster, frost atronachs can be added as patrolling guards.

Battlehorn castle: Much like Frostcrag with guild banners and decorations (though many decorations are hunting trophies of some kind). When becoming guildmaster, guild hunters can be added to the surrounding area to take on the local game (though they never enter dungeons).

Dunbarrow Cove: Items from Castle Anvil will start appearing in the cove as decorations (when not chosen, the items will return to the castle). When becoming guildmaster, the count's throne is added as a decoration (which is quite funny when you think about it) and thieves can be added to sneak through the castle unseen (using invisibility spells when guards or non-thief NPCs approach) in the night.

Deepscorn Hollow: More 'murder' options are available to the dark minion as you rise in the ranks (such as 'murder a guard in the name of Sithis' or 'murder a noble in the name of Sithis'. Their chance of success varies depending on the target as does the loot. Statues resembling your dead targets are added to the alter of Sithis after completed missions. The alter will also have varying background sounds as you progress (starting out as nothing, then whispers, voices and finally screams of agony as you become a listener). A statue of the Night Mother surrounded by flowers and decorations is also added to the surface, increasing in size and beauty as you progress (starts out as a crude iron statue surrounded by rubble and a few weeds and ends as a daedra shrine sized statue surrounded by a small field of flowers.


Do keep in mind, though, that all player homes will have to be fully equipped before extra decorations can be added (as a safety precaution to prevent bugs and glitches).

Edited by Edokage
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I've been playing around some, and it would be way easier to have a "trophy" kinda thing. Got an example pic of the kvatch oneat the end of this post (jeh i model & texture)

Also, most homes are pretty full, and trophy's take up less space. Looking from achievement to achievement though, cause things as the siren-styled bedroom might be do-able in some houses.

Also, wouldn't it be awesome to have an NPC do the decorations? Like someone "IM SUCHA BIG FAN OF YOU lemme decorate your home with stuff from ur questzz!! L33T!!!" ;D

That'd be more stylish than a menu (I'd just have to leave the L33T out >.>)


Lemme know what you think, I'll be continuing with trophy - like decorations.



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I'm liking this idea. I use cobl. So some areas have alchemy sorts. Too bad you can't do battlethorn. It seems weird that you get to own a castle without any guest bedrooms. Frostcraig reborn great mod. I hope you add a few more to it. Plus replacing the bloodstained room in the student quarters would be nice when you turn to guild master.


As for achievements.


Achievement quest(s)


Arena Grand Champion. Arena poster in house. Min size Basin of Renewal. Size of a bowl.


Secrets of the Ayleids. A hanging light you see in Ayleid ruins. With light switch.


Knights of the White Stallion. Maybe a banner.


Tears of the savior. Min size (planter height) staute of frost atronachs. Standing still or loop walking in place.


Whom Gods Annoy. Min size (planter height) staute of scamp. Standing still or loop walking in place.


Go Fish. Don't think we would want a singing fish hanging on the wall. But who knows. [songs to annoy. (You are my sunshine); (oh, what a beautiful mornin'); (cool water)] Joking but only half joking.




Orrery: A globe with stars maybe.


Knights of the Nine: Banners with coat of armors. Plus Shield and crossed weapons. Or a shire.


Mehrunes' Razor: Model of blade on wall with looping magic pattern going from hilt to blade tip. (Eat at joe's) in oblivion runes. joking.


Dunbarrow Cove: Would be funny if you could add like 3-5 skeletons dancing to thriller like from the dance syncro in the waters. With a large pile of silver and other random treasures in the background when you become master of thief guild. Not sure it doable. But I like the idea.


Battlehorn castle: Field of grapes. Nothing too big. Like two rounds of eight vines be good. Outside castlewalls. For the "A Venerable Vintage" achievement. Might be asking much.


Deepscorn Hollow: Thinking pyramid of skulls for guild master. Had the dumb idea of gathering every skull I found in the game and dumping them in that home.



Shivering Isles:


The Museum of Oddities. Clear cabinet glass display case.


The Great Divide. Maybe a ying/yang wall plaque. Maybe with a serpent swallowing it's own tail on outter edge.

Edited by Perrinwolf
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Go Fish. Don't think we would want a singing fish hanging on the wall. But who knows. [songs to annoy. (You are my sunshine); (oh, what a beautiful mornin'); (cool water)] Joking but only half joking.



So definitly doing that one. Only going to use "never going to give you up" song from rick ashley or whatever that dude is called ;D NO OFF BUTTONS!

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Ok, problem: the vanilla houses are too small and too cluttered. So I think Imma make a custom castle/house for the mod. If anyone has objections / alternate solutions, I'd like to hear them.


Edit - while I was building the castle I got an awesome idea, why not make it reflect the players (in)fame as well? And make it like a house that reflects its owner? Lemme know what u think

Edited by FakePersonality
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If your going to build a castle, then making it to where you unload or expose a room based on level of in/fame would be or should be fairly easy rather than ghosting a specific item and showing it when you achieve the goal required. This can also happen as others have posted above when you complete a specific quest, and you end up with a quest theme'd room.
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If your going to build a castle, then making it to where you unload or expose a room based on level of in/fame would be or should be fairly easy rather than ghosting a specific item and showing it when you achieve the goal required. This can also happen as others have posted above when you complete a specific quest, and you end up with a quest theme'd room.


I know, im just going to enable/disable the good / neutral / evil doors based on infamy / fame ;p

Also going to add "very evil" and "very good" items that work on the same script as the trophies do (just a simple if condition is met, enable script... not hard at all, same concept as the doors xD )


Currently working on the evil castle... I acually got a huge oblivion fountain o.o


And did som level design, there's gonna be 2 cells for every allignment, lower level has an aestatical area, guild areas, and a main hall. Upper level is going to be bedrooms, maybe a aboretum of some sort, allignment chamber (eg, torture chamber for evil.. still need ideas for other allignment rooms so please let those brains crack :) )and any other ideas you come up with ^^


Already got one of the trophies implented, it's a sigil stone, for fully completing the allies for bruma quest. Thinking off adding functionality to it so that it opens a custom oblivion gate....


Whatcha all think? ;D


Edit - I figured some kind of scroll thropy could be nice for mages guild, so I made one in a glass... thingy? Holdon, those are called displays. Itsa scroll in a display.

The runes read conjuration (this one is meant for reaching 100 skill in conjuration)



Edited by FakePersonality
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I think I might have a idea better then making a new house. But maybe a small portal to a trophy room like your personal museum mod. Where all the achievement trophies could go. And links to all standard players homes.
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