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Player homes reflect player achievements


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I think I might have a idea better then making a new house. But maybe a small portal to a trophy room like your personal museum mod. Where all the achievement trophies could go. And links to all standard players homes.


Na-ah, I just spend the last 4 hours on that house, not throwing all that work away xD You should see it though, the evil mages room is pretty awesome


I could make 2 seperate mods, one with the full castle, and a toned down version with your idea. That'd actually be good, i guess.

I could use the models Im making for the catle trophies. Yup, think imma do that.


Btw, if anyone wants to be a playtester, please speak up :D

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I might be willing to try it. What would happen say if you did full dark brotherhood and thieves guild line then started knights of the nine run. Setting all your infamy to zero. What would happen to those evil rooms. Will I no longer have access to them? Unless I turn evil again?


As for room for lightside characters. Why not a radaint light that works like an altar effect. Maybe in a middle of a gold center circle from the floor. Maybe slight sound effect while on the disc of gold and flowing pattern of lights or runes. Double helix. In repeating loop while standing on circle.


Maybe a boost to stats buff. intell for mage, agility for rogue and strength for warrior like classes or the player gets the choice when stepping on the disc or something with your fountains.


As for neutral faction I thought maybe a boost to speed buff. Maybe falling cherry blossom petals for fame - infamy balance towards the light side. While mutli color autumn leaves for dark side infamy/fame balance. In a pattern on a grassy circle roughly like gold disc for the light side. Could use helix pattern for it as well.

Edited by Perrinwolf
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Im done with the mages area (mages guild + magic skills) and the entrance of the lite version (the non-house), Decided to finish that one first.

I named it dungeon of accomplishment, you think thats a good title?



Halls of Legend(s). (Honors) (Legacy) (Achievements) (Adventure Trophies)

Legacy of Honors. [Legend(s)] (Achievements) (Adventure Trophies)

Vale of Achievements. [Legend(s)] (Honors) (Legacy) (Adventure Trophies)

Greathall of Adventure Trophies. [Legend(s)] (Honors) (Legacy) (Achievements)


Since that fit for all alignments and genders.

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K, sorta bad news: imma be gone for 2 weeks, and in the meantime I caint work on the mod.

Keep the ideas coming though, it'll give me something to work on when i get back ;D


I just offering suggestions and working on beta testing. But if you like this mod to be added to other homes. Maybe I can talk you into adding buyable portal to drop in your home mod that would lead to the trophy room of achievements. Or have some of the items dropable for you to buy. I know theirs a furniture mod that allows you to buy standard stuff and drop them adjust the facing. Then locking them inplace. I haven't used it. But I have read about this mod.



I think I'll give this mod a try. Imperial_Furniture_Renovated_1_3a-33996 Might just be the thing we could do. To place items we want, including the trophies we gain. In standard and non standard player homes.

Edited by Perrinwolf
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