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What's life like in the UK?


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Jim_uk is right in that the food is generally gross and plastic and very fast foodish, as many Brits are very lazy and do not give a monkey's about quality. However, where I am we have some very good quality restaurants, but you WILL pay extortionate prices for them. On the plus side we produce some of the finest fresh food to be found, if you are inclined to cook for yourself, and the climate is conducive to grow yer own veggies for sure. And yeah...the beer. After three pints of Marston's Owd Roger you'll be horizontal anyway.


Not that I am in any way biased, but my favourite areas are Derbyshire and Devon and Cornwall.

Well, I probably would cook my own food anyways. My dad almost opened his own restaurant before. He is a really good cook and anything he knows hes taught me for the most part. Cooking is in my blood :tongue:. Of course, it is not a profession I would like to have. Anywho, UK seems kind of like my personality. I still would need to experience it myself. That will probably be the tie-breaker.

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You know what? I like it.

I was raised in a mid-sized town, went to uni in London, and now live in a tiny little country village. The folks I've met in all three types of environment are, for the most part, quite reserved, but there is a strong "live and let live" ethos. I look like a freak (piercings, tats, oddly-coloured hair), and whilst I get a lot of odd looks, have never really had any abuse for it. Eccentricity is almost fostered, even by those not brave enough to do it themselves. And I love the ironic humour. Monty Python FTW! The weather certainly keeps one on their toes, lol. My favourite place is Brighton, for the ecletic shopping and quaint quirkiness.

Sure, we've got our problems: there's places I'd rather not go and people I'd rather not hang around with, but I think you'd get that everywhere.

I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!

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You know what? I like it.

I was raised in a mid-sized town, went to uni in London, and now live in a tiny little country village. The folks I've met in all three types of environment are, for the most part, quite reserved, but there is a strong "live and let live" ethos. I look like a freak (piercings, tats, oddly-coloured hair), and whilst I get a lot of odd looks, have never really had any abuse for it. Eccentricity is almost fostered, even by those not brave enough to do it themselves. And I love the ironic humour. Monty Python FTW! The weather certainly keeps one on their toes, lol. My favourite place is Brighton, for the ecletic shopping and quaint quirkiness.

Sure, we've got our problems: there's places I'd rather not go and people I'd rather not hang around with, but I think you'd get that everywhere.

I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!

That is probably my main problem with where I live now, everyone is so much more concerned about how everyone looks or acts or for that matter does anything. It really annoys me that the majority of people in my area cannot stop freaking out about what other people want or do and just deal with themselves. I love weather that is extremely odd. I sometimes get up really early on solstices and such just to see the bright red lighting everywhere.(we nicknamed it "death weather" when we were like 12 lol) Anywho, I am still shifting slightly to moving to the UK at some point. :biggrin:

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That is probably my main problem with where I live now, everyone is so much more concerned about how everyone looks or acts or for that matter does anything. It really annoys me that the majority of people in my area cannot stop freaking out about what other people want or do and just deal with themselves. I love weather that is extremely odd. I sometimes get up really early on solstices and such just to see the bright red lighting everywhere.(we nicknamed it "death weather" when we were like 12 lol) Anywho, I am still shifting slightly to moving to the UK at some point. :biggrin:


As said there is "Live and let live" mentality here, stick your nose into things don't concern you and you'll get an ear full of abuse. That said if you walk down the street sporting a beard and a rah-rah skirt you will defiantly get a few funny looks.

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Hmm i like the diversity here, as mentioned before, i seen some pretty odd looking clothes and odd hair does in my day, especially the 80's spiked hair. I mean come on :teehee:


No one seems to care what you dress. As long its presentable


If you said anything i bet those people would just give you the finger lol, Its a free country after all.:teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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It's an almost-police state with shariah law zones and gypsy squatters who take over your house when you're away on vacation. It's perfect.


Lol sad but true

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It's an almost-police state with shariah law zones and gypsy squatters who take over your house when you're away on vacation. It's perfect.


Ah the good old Daily Mail, making mountains from molehills since 1896.

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I know I'm not helping, but I'd to move there, just for the beer and the pubs. I'd become a hooligan again, shave my head and tatto myself or something like that.:wub: Edited by Pushkatu
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You know what? I like it.

I was raised in a mid-sized town, went to uni in London, and now live in a tiny little country village. The folks I've met in all three types of environment are, for the most part, quite reserved, but there is a strong "live and let live" ethos. I look like a freak (piercings, tats, oddly-coloured hair), and whilst I get a lot of odd looks, have never really had any abuse for it. Eccentricity is almost fostered, even by those not brave enough to do it themselves. And I love the ironic humour. Monty Python FTW! The weather certainly keeps one on their toes, lol. My favourite place is Brighton, for the ecletic shopping and quaint quirkiness.

Sure, we've got our problems: there's places I'd rather not go and people I'd rather not hang around with, but I think you'd get that everywhere.

I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!


But then Brighton was always pretty alternative friendly in my experience, used to enjoy going down there myself before I left the UK. Inner South East London on the other hand? Got abuse every single day (not joking), got beaten by gangs a few times, a machete/large knife - too busy running to check - in the back of my shoulder at an Elephant+Castle bus stop (my Trusty old Biker jacket that I wore most of the time back then caught the brunt luckily).




I left 10 years ago, only pass through occasionally on my way to visit folks every few years, I see the changes for the worse pretty markedly due to the timespan I guess. I miss the clubs and some of the shops and the variety in food, can't think of anything else :confused:


Swapped one nanny state for another I guess, this one hasn't fallen asleep at the wheel yet though :unsure:

Edited by greywaste
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