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Webbrowser links me with chance of 50% to undesirable website.

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Hello forum

I recently bought a alienware with windows 7 x64bit

The problem is that if i want to go to a specific website there is a 50% chance that the browser will link me to a undesirable website.

It happens to Firefox, chrome and explorer.

Does someone got the same problem or a solution to this?

If yes please help because it really gets on my nerve.

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That has nothing to do with either Win7 or your browser. It is more likely you have contracted a virus that is redirecting your browser requests. Also, if you are typing in the URL (web site address) and make even a small error you will be sent to the site that you typed in and not the one you thought you typed. :thumbsup:
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1. Quickscan only checks a limited number of files on your system, not all of them. Try the complete scan. (Can take a long time)

2. Try a different antivirus - such as the free version of one of the better known brands. Microsoft's Security Essentials has gotten very good reviews lately and it is completely free. Be sure to download only from the official site of the company no matter what Antivirus you decide on. Here is the official Microsoft Security Essentials site if you choose to use it. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security_essentials/default.aspx


Does it always take you to the same undesirable site? or a similar site? Or to a completely different kind of site? There are joke programs that can be installed to take you to certain sites on a random basis.

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1. Quickscan only checks a limited number of files on your system, not all of them. Try the complete scan. (Can take a long time)

2. Try a different antivirus - such as the free version of one of the better known brands. Microsoft's Security Essentials has gotten very good reviews lately and it is completely free. Be sure to download only from the official site of the company no matter what Antivirus you decide on. Here is the official Microsoft Security Essentials site if you choose to use it. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security_essentials/default.aspx


Does it always take you to the same undesirable site? or a similar site? Or to a completely different kind of site? There are joke programs that can be installed to take you to certain sites on a random basis.



Thank you I'm going to install the windows essentials and make a full scan with mcaffee

Sometimes it links me to the correct website other times it links me often to commercial websites like cars, insurance.And some anonymous website I have never heard of or seen before. But most times, the useless websites it links me, are different and it's rare to link me to the same page again.

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