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Container Problem


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That is really strange.... it shouldn't do that.


I use the three dressers/drawer fellers in the master bedroom, and their settings like similar, they also have leveled lists for contents, and are NOT set to respawn. I have never had an issue with them resetting. I haven't the faintest why it would do that, the chest you are using SHOULD be safe storage...... Something glitched......

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Yeah I'm just gonna move containers, Ill just use the shack on the imp waterfront.


Is there a way to take the inventory from my old chest and copy it over from my old save or even just copy my players inventory so I don't have to start from a save where im losing 7 hours of game-play on a 21 hour save? Cause if I could just copy inventories, that'd be fantastic.

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Not an easy way that I am aware of.... The only method I know of to recover the lost items, and keep your game progress, would be to write down each and every item in the chest, exit the game, look up form ID's for them, load your current save, and then manually add each item..... yeah, such fun we have for you.....
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Yeah I did that a like 2 years ago with a much smaller chest. Pretty sure it would be more fun/ faster to just play through. So no way to copy an entire inventory itself with some save file program? no one has ever tried this?


No one has really decoded the save file format. It's different than it was on Morrowind. (where just changing the extension would let you load your save in the CS.....) If you were really determined, and good with a hex-editor..... you might be able to manage it, but, I think just playing thru from an early save would be faster.....



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