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Modeling request

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I posted this on the BSG forums, then I remembered Nexus!


Hello everyone.

I finally got off my duff and began finishing my never announced WIP, Dragon Invasion 3.

What better to whet your appetite for Skyrim than good old-fashioned Dragon Hunting.

Of course, you won't be fighting real Skyrim dragons, just 5 evil and nasty SaidenStorm Akatosh Dragons.

There will be no hand holding or leading by the nose. You must listen to what the NPC says and remember or take notes.

Any way, I'll be writing up a WIP / Relz thread in a day or two with screenies and such.


Now for my request, something simple I hope, but I cannot seem to get Blender working properly and I have no clue what to do in Nifskope.

And time I spend trying to work it out is time lost on the mod...


What I want is the Dragon Statue (ArchitectureStatueStatueMartyn.nif) from the endgame chopped up into about a dozen pieces for static meshes that I can place in the mod.

Or if it can be done and you're feeling generous - havok the pieces, add a HUGE amount of mass so the PC cannot move them. Then I can place them in the mod in the general shape of the statue and when I enable them in game, they'll fall naturally into a random pattern.


I'm aiming for 1 October for release.

Thanks for considering.

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