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what are u guys going to be doing the day before skyrim releases. ??


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There are rules to the forum and most of the rules are to keep down double threads and pointless posts .. They have to pay for server space.

Good thing this isnt a pointless double thread then isnt it!

I think what he's getting at is that it's unnecessary for someone to make four posts, all of which are the beginning of a new thread which covers subject matter better discussed in an existing thread.


Character names are included in the character backgrounds thread. Midnight launch was already being discussed in the other release day plans thread. Although that one is almost a month old now, there's no need to talk about the day before release AND midnight launch in separate threads. They're close enough to the same subject matter that they could be combined, as was done before. So, that leaves one thread about "whether the game is finished yet?" Ask in the Skyrim info thread.


I agree with jedi here; it's all quite repetitive and eats up unnecessary space.

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Probably that and working if it lands on a wednesday or any other day during the week other then weekends :teehee:


And listening to this on the way home :teehee:




Longest Smashing Pumpkins song.

Edited by Thor.
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11/11/11 is a friday.

Friday, friday, getting down on friday. Everybody's looking forward to Skyrim, Skyrim.



For me, the date is perfect.

My exam week ends on that EXACT SAME DAY.


Edited by Nysba
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whilst stroking my fluffy kitten

Is that what the kids call it nowadays?



Quite unfortunately it does seem so, quite odd..


And also, I'll be waiting anxiously, I'm already having weird shakes and goosebumps thinking about the release of Skyrim!








I just realized I use the world "quite" quite a lot again, quite weird, isn't it?

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