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what are u going to name your charecter


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Butty McButt

Race: Butt

Gender: Ass



Valen Dreth:

Hey there

Oh so you're a Butt are you

stuck here in the Imperial prison

how ironic to become the butt of all prision innuendos,

it must be painful to be know as 'the only butt' in this prison

pass me the tan jug you ass.


Hey you hear that

the guards

their coming for you

he he he he heh





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I usually always use my name for Profile name uses, but I'm actaully thinking of naming my character(s)...weird I know :biggrin: Well here are some thoughts:


Allsekr- Nord (Male)

Skelfa- Wood Elf (Female) Maybe.....

Nátta- Dark Elf (Male)

Sváss- Some Female....maybe Nord Fem

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If I make a human male it'll be Khareth. :P I always named my people Sareth, and then when I played Vindictus (for like one or two weeks -_-) Sareth was stolen! And Sareth Beleth was too long. So now Khareth is my favorite name, its so close to being carrot. :biggrin:

If I do an Argonian or Khahjiit... I'll come up with something creative...when I make one. I CANT WAIT!!!! :D

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If I make a human male it'll be Khareth. :P I always named my people Sareth, and then when I played Vindictus (for like one or two weeks -_-) Sareth was stolen! And Sareth Beleth was too long. So now Khareth is my favorite name, its so close to being carrot. :biggrin:

If I do an Argonian or Khahjiit... I'll come up with something creative...when I make one. I CANT WAIT!!!! :D


Join the companions guild and name your character "Kool and the.."

There will prob be a mod that adds 'Get down on it' to the tavern bard.


Couldn't resist sorry :-)

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