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So I've read all these posts about how easy it is to install mods with FOMM, so I dled in and installed FOOK 2 (which has an installer...so that made things pretty simple)


Yay, it works!


Then I download Beauty Project, Enhanced Weather, and other mods, and they are just random folders.


So I'm like this :O


But, not giving up on the first hitch, I go to these forums where I read "Just copy that stuff to Data folder in FO3 and good to go!"


So I do that, and open my FOMM, waiting anxiously to check those little boxes...


Only that they didn't show up.


Reinstalled FOMM, still nothing.


What did I do wrong? I feel pretty stupid right now because thousands of people play with these mods, and I just can't seem to do it.


Thanks for your time

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