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Castle Legacy Help!


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I need help with the mod " Castle Legacy". After downloading the file into a temporary folder I extracted the contents using Z-zip into my oblivion data file. Then I unpacked the bsa file using the OBMM. Now oblivion wont load! If i unselect castle legacy from the data files then oblivion loads normally. I'm kind of new to all this so I am unsure if i missed a step or not. Any help I could get would greatly be appreciated.
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First of all, check the requirements for Castle Legacy as there are quite a few. Secondly, is there a reason that you unpacked the .bsa file?
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I have all the requirements for castle legacy and as I understand it you have to unpack the .bsa file to allow the mod to access the meshes and textures


There would be no point in the author packaging the assets in a bsa file if it needed to be extracted -- it does not.


The reason the mod does not work, if I am understanding you correctly, is that you extracted the archive directly to your Data folder, correct? If so, then you did not take stock of the fact that the archive is packed in a manner that will make this not work. The archive structure is:

\Castle Legacy V2\Data\

\Castle Legacy V2\Data\CastleLegacy_Readme.txt

\Castle Legacy V2\Data\CastleLegacy_V2.bsa

\Castle Legacy V2\Data\CastleLegacy_V2.esp


What you need to do is to extract the archive to a temporary location, say your desktop, and then copy/paste CastleLegacy_V2.bsa and CastleLegacy_V2.esp into your \Oblivion\Data\ folder.

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