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Leveled Item in Render Window


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Seems the geck wiki is down at the moment.

I want to place a leveled item in the render window, but it seems that like leveled actors, you can't do that directly. Unfortunately it doesn't seem that there is a way to use a leveled item as a template for another item either.

So does anyone have any clever ideas for placing leveled items into the render window?

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I'll do that if I have to, but if there is a way I'd rather be cool and find a way to have them directly out in the world.

There isn't a way. Leveled creatures can be put inside other leveled creature lists and in the render window. Leveled items can be put inside other leveled items list and containers.

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I'm continuing my skepticism, it's in my nature. What about this?


An xmarker at the place I want the item to be, and placing a leveled item there with placeatme ?


myxmarkerref.placeatme myleveleditem 1


Geck accepts this as valid though I can't try it at this moment.

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PlaceAtMe can't be used with leveled items, though. Leveled items are not supposed to be placed into the world - you can use them exclusively inside containers. Trying to create an item from a leveled list this way will just cause the yellow exclamation mark (Marker_Error.NIF) to appear.

CS Wiki. Same applies to the GECK.



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Yeah that sucks.

In that case is there a way to force container respawn?


The only way, other than the 72 hour wait period, is to reset the cell that the container is in with ResetInterior CellName. The player must not be in the cell when the command is given, and the cell does not reset until the next time it is loaded.

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