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Need ideas for a final mod before Skyrim!


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Hey I was thinking before Skyrim is unleashed, I would create one more giant mod for Oblivion. My idea was either to:


-create a portal to one of the Daedric Princes's realms

-crate a boat that went to part of another province, perferably one that did not already have a mod or game going to it.


Any ideas? Note that my mesh creating abilites are not as great as some of those insane modders, but I'll do what I can, or if anyone wants to assist me, that would be greatly appreciated.

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Why don't you help me out with Vanilla Drops?




I've been messing with the idea of including a way to get back and forth to Peryite's realm (as well as a redo of that realm so it doesn't look so blatantly like Mehrune's) as well as Boethiah's if nothing more than some added scenery while the Oblivion crisis is going on (perhaps some special gates near their shrines that stay open after you do their quests and close once the Oblivion crisis is over (or maybe stay open like the Shivering Isles)? It would have to be lore friendly though.

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