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Dead Island is out


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Dead Island is out on PC, Xbox360 and PS3 and I'm wondering if anyone bought it? I have it on 360 but I'm wondering what people think on PC (It's on Steam so I didn't bought it there). So far I like it, it's a great little gem. So discuss


Note: It's that game with that trailer with the parents and the kid.

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i have the game, its console port, no hotkeys, strange keybindings btw you cant change them, no FOV options no tessellation or AA... i could go on but i forget all that games down falls


still a fun game its just unpolished as hell

That's what I've been hearing from many people. Kinda fun, but rather unpolished and a mediocre PC port. Not to mention the disastrous launch where they accidentally uploaded an old dev test build of the game to Steam on release day instead of the finished one, which allowed you to noclip all over the place by pressing Y.

Edited by Povuholo
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Having no issues with the porting, except for the odd unresponsive control every once in a while. I got the EU release, though, so most issues have probably been patched out already.


It's really one of the best games I've played this year. Why? Because I haven't had as much fun with a game in years. Literally. I logged about 20 hours over the weekend, which is a feat in itself, and it's been on my mind constantly the whole time I'm not playing it. The Witcher 2 was my contender for GotY so far, but this shoots past by a giant margin. Any game that can let me have this amount of fun is a great game in my books.

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horrible game save system, relies on only one save and the game auto saves all the damn time. it also doesnt tell you when its saving, 2 corrupt games one at 8 hours and one at 16 hours. F this game, done with this trash game till its fix'd also its level scaling is horrible.
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horrible game save system, relies on only one save and the game auto saves all the damn time. it also doesnt tell you when its saving, 2 corrupt games one at 8 hours and one at 16 hours. F this game, done with this trash game till its fix'd also its level scaling is horrible.

makeing a bet you dont like its saveing. maybe i will download it for free lol


If it looks like a software pirate, talks like a software pirate and acts like one too... you can bet it's going to be banned like one. Away with you - TVD.

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Haven't really had problems with the save system so far. It autosaves quite often for me, when I finish a quest, when I acquire a new weapon, when I reach a certain area, the moment I quit the game, when someone joins or leaves my game, etc. :P I like that it sometimes places you more or less in close proximity to where you died if you happen to die. I once got mauled by a Ram that I totally didn't see coming, and it spawned me n top of a nearby roof, where I proceeded to jump behind the ram and zigzag away from him.
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