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Adding multiple .bsa-extracted meshes to GECK


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I extracted some meshes from the FalloutNV bsa file and wish to add them into the GECK. How exactly do I add them in bundles instead of manually having to create new objects one by one? I've tried selecting all the meshes in a folder and dragging them into the object list window, and sure enough my mouse icon changes to a plus sign as I drag them over. But when I drop them in, nothing appears. At all.


Do I have something configured incorrectly in the GECK? Am I putting them in the wrong place? Is it even possible? I feel bad for not knowing something as simple as this. :wallbash:

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Make sure you put them under the category you want (static, misc item, etc), because they'll become whatever type you put them in. This is handy, actually, if you want to take things like misc items and food and turn them into static objects the player (and havok) can't move.
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It seems there was something wrong with my directory paths. Also, once I switch over to GECK powerup with FOSE, it seemed to work just fine. Strange.


Thank you guys for your input.



Now, for the sake of me not cluttering the board with another topic, I have another, more complex question (or possibly series of questions) that I wish to ask.


I am building a city, and I wish for there to be random occasional instances where, while you're walking through the districts, a vertibird spawns and flies through a set path (never landing or going idle). This would be repeated for other vertibirds also placed around the city, and they all would share the same script (and maybe the same trigger, depending on how it's set up).


One of the many files that I extracted from the falloutNV BSA was a vertibird mesh with a series of animations....Forward, Backward, Idle, Left, Right, etc. The one that I want to use is Right, since that is the animation that closely simulates my ideal description. Just a straight path. How would I go about scripting this?


From my understanding, the best way to do this is to create an initially disabled activator having the animated vertibird model. You then would create a trigger, like any other, and reference it to the activator (Or the other way around???). You then set that trigger to enable the activator and run the script that does all the work. Starting with OnTriggerEnter, the script would set a newly created ref variable of the already-referenced vertibird activator with "getLinkedRef". Let's say it's "verty". Next you would have "verty.Playgroup Right 0" to start the animation...I think....with that said you would then have "If verty.IsAnimPlaying Right== 1" in a Label/GoTo loop to make sure that the Right animation is still playing. When it returns 0 it is finished with the animation and the script is terminated.


Is ANY of this right? At all? I can't seem to set the trigger to reference the animated vertibird activator in the render window either...I click on "Select Reference in Render Window", but the crosshair doesn't change to white when highlighting the vertibird activator. Lastly, how would I implement a timed sequenced in the script for repeated occurrence? I would think you would just create a timer variable with a "getSecondsPassed" condition and loop the entire script.


Thanks again everyone, my apologies for the flood of questions. An example script would be most helpful.

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The standard tutorial for timed sequences is:



If you want to select something but the crosshair stays red instead of turning white, this is usually because the item you want to select isn't persistent. Use its edit dialog to mark it persistent, then retry selecting it. This can also happen if there are other large objects, such as light beams or dust, which are between you and the object; in this case try rotating the view so that the object is clearly visible before starting the selection dialog.


I haven't used the vertibird, but the setup you are describing "sounds" complex. I have done something similar with an animated ore cart, on the lowest level of my mod The Most Dangerous Game (see my sig). Basically, every frame I use a "moveto" to change the x location slightly, to achieve the movement. No activators, triggers etc are needed.

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