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NAV Mesh!


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Hey Guys,


I have three basic questions about NAV mesh, Im making my first quest mod and im almost complete on the

NAV mesh for the sections have have done so far, but before I continue I need to ask this so I dont have to

come back and fix the whole thing.


I have a few Internal areas where the the floor is raised either side and lower in between, one of the places is

the small Metro Tunnel I have. So what I need to know is should I link the NAV mesh that is either side of the

track section to the mesh that is on the tracks or should I just make the mesh go along the walkways either

side and do the mesh for the lower central section separate and not link it to the walkways mesh?


or if I leave if will the Optimizer link if for me, if it does do it for me, would this be a bad way to do things or

would it make no difference?


The third question I have about NAV mesh is about external meshing.

Do I need to change the mesh for a zone that has it all ready in place, when all im doing to the external area

is add some new buildings (about 3-4) and some barricades? (its the WolfHorn area)




Just want to say, I thought I would hate doing nav mesh but now I know the basics of how to do it, it kinda

fun :) am I odd or is this normal for most people lol

Edited by Reconn
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Regarding linking the navmesh of a lower walkway, you have to decide whether NPC's should be able to jump from the upper part to the lower part and back. If yes, then you have to link the navmesh. If no, then don't link the navmesh. Most of the subway tunnels (for example in FO3) are like this and they are linked. I don't think anybody uses auto-generation or optimization of navmesh, as far as I know the only successful way to do navmesh is manually.


Regarding outside navmesh, most likely you already have a problem. When you add buildings to the main worldspace, they will be invisible until the player is right next to them and then they will suddenly pop into view. This is because you cannot rebuild the Level Of Detail map for the main worldspace. That is why most released mods don't add buildings in the main worldspace. If you don't mind this problem, then you will need to rebuild the navmesh for your modified area. Delete the existing triangles. Try hard not to delete any triangles which touch cell boundaries. Use the "b" key to see cell boundaries. If you need to edit triangles on the boundaries, make sure the solid green line along the cell boundary is maintained. If you add walls or buildings, and don't modify the navmesh, then NPC's including companions may get stuck trying to run through the walls you added. Only the navmesh tells the NPCs how to go around these walls.

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Thanks for reply Dave :)


I have done the navmesh manually it just that the geck tutorial for nav mesh said I should Optimize after

so I did, it changes what I have done a little but not much, so I can see why people dont use it because

the difference is small.


Although the external section does not need to be see from a distance and a good part of it would be

hidden behind a hill from two sides. When you say buildings wont be visible will that include buildings

that are already there that I have moved, I did not move them a lot, only about 30ft.


If this look bad when I check it I guess I could do a newworld space for it instead but before I go and

do this, is there any thing I should know that I really need to know !?

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Please search many existing threads on "level of detail" or LOD. The original view of the buildings will be seen from a distance. So added buildings will be invisible, and moved buildings will appear in their original location. Many people do add their own worldspace, but that means the user must travel "somewhere" to find your mod. You can also find a tutorial on adding worldspaces. Edited by davidlallen
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Well by the sound of that I will be having to add my own worldspace, but thats cool as it will give

me a freer hand in what I want to do and its some thing I want to learn any way :)


Thanks for you help David

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