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New Syndicate revamp in the works


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Exactly what Vagrant0 said. People aren't angry that the next Syndicate is an FPS, they're angry that the next Syndicate isn't Syndicate. Some of us have been waiting for years for a proper follow-up to Syndicate, and we certainly weren't expecting to see this.


It might turn out to be a good game, but it's not a Syndicate game, it's an FPS riding on Syndicate's fame.

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Hmm, interesting. There hardly is a game which I played more than Syndicate. First I got it on Amiga 500+ and yes, it the one and only game I ever played, for which I left the Amiga running a whole week without quitting the game. I just switched off the monitor during school or at night. Just because even if you are not in missions, during the game menus, time never stops running and every game day, you are earning money from taxes. I just plain loved it.


Now the Remake is quite different, but believe it or not, I believe they seems to have caught the atmosphere of the original games. Maybe it's just the music in these gorgeous trailers? - Hopefully not. :/


Btw, if you watch them in that order

it's pretty amazing somehow.


The game-play seems to be quite interesting. So, for me it's the most wanted game atm.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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The gameplay does seem interesting. but I never actually played Syndicate though. I did hear a lot about it. As for the remakes that have been coming out lately, my opinion is that if they can be a good game on their own, even if butchering until a certain point what the essence of the original game was, it can still be played without much frustration. Same goes for sequels. They could always call it a spiritual sequel, and change the name. Edited by Yoshh
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Yes, it's not Syndicate as we know it and they apparently even changed some weapons like the gauss gun, if it wasn't a trip of the tongue. But today, with all this focus on console gaming, you cant expect a successor which is not inferior to the original game. They could have done better, but looking nice, having a remarkable AI, complex maps, many NPCs, destroyable environment (like in Swars), playing a Syndicate Manager , having complex menus with research and stuff … is not very likely to run on a console and it would be a pain to navigate with controllers.

Now, sadly some weapons of SWars don't even make any sense without destroyable environment.

On the other hand we still have the original games. Maybe time will still bring a real Syndicate to light?

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Starbreeze is a good developer. Even if it's not a 'true' Syndicate game, there's a good chance it'll be a nice game.


For those who want a game closer to the original Syndicate, keep an eye out for Paradox's Cartel. Little is known about it so far though.

Edited by Povuholo
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