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What can the oblivion script extender actually do?


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Bros... I've only used the oblivion script extender once for a mod that added extra hotkeys to the hotkey ring. But I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what else the script extender can do exactly.


What the script extender does is just as it's name implies. it extends the scope of available script commands in game. Here is the official documentation, including all of the new commands.

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So many things... I only use a tenth of it :L


Some useful things it can do...


- Any flag you can set on any record in the CS, you can do with OBSE scripting; for example I can tick the "No Fallout Behaviour" on an AI package with a script.

- It has many variations of some vanilla functions; for example "EquipItem" will not run the items OnEquip block, but OBSE's "EquipItem2" will.

- Set event handlers; This means any time your specified event occurs, your script will run. Some include OnHealthDamage, OnActivate, OnLoadGame... the list goes on.

- Create Arrays; I don't really have much use for these and I hear that Pluggy is much better for this, but in case you don't know what arrays are...

- - - - Arrays are basically groups of saved references, numbers and strings. You can have several in an array. There are many uses for arrays, and although they may seem quite complicated, they are worth learning about.

- Alter just about any setting in the game; these include things like gravity [how strong it is and what direction it pulls you], difficulty, items statistics, etc.



That's all I can think of just now. I'm sure many others will contribute soon enough. Google OBSE Documentation for a full list of its features.

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OBSE allows the mod authors to do things that the original game makers never dreamed could be done with this game. By the simple expedient of installing and running the game with OBSE, a user can experience these new features for themselves. :thumbsup:


A user has no more need to know what OBSE does than they need to know exactly how the game engine works.


In fewer words, It's magic. :tongue:

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