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Power Helmet --- Head Damage Reduced


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Hi, I would like to know how I could add an effect plus existing rad resistance on Power Helmets.

Or in other words, make all power helmets make heads resistant to all damage.. only the head!


For example, a power would have (after mod completion):

+3 rad resistance (already present in game)

25% damage reduced to the head (like the mysterious Gray Matters perk on fallout 3 wiki) but I don't want it to be a perk, I just want it to be an Item Effect


Adamantium Skeleton Perk: is only body damage reducer

Gray Matters Perk: (unused perk, only available through console) is only head damage reducer


But I don't want a perk! I just want an effect, but I can't seem to find any way in G.E.C.K. to do it!

I've checked the item effects (like Oblivion item enchantements) but I can't seem to seperate the head and body damage apart from eachother.

I don't care if my DR (damage rating) is 85%, i just want a Head Damage Reducer


Thanks in advance for the assistance.

Edited by jambonpaper
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