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Fallot Sydney (australia)


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G'day Mates!


i currently study at a gaming college in Sydney, Australia. a short time ago i proposed a Fallout mod set in Sydney to a small group of students and independent games designers.

i received some awesome feedback and lots of support! so.... i have decided to take it to the next level!


Duck 1 is just me and a few others for the time being, and i am calling on anyone who has skills with the G.E.C.K, script writers, level designers, 3D modelers, Artists, Writers to contribute.

the team i have built locally consists of mostly students, and all have time limitations. offer as much time as your comfortable with.


that said...

What will Fallout Sydney offer?... I'm glad you asked!


Sydney is one of the most picturesque cities in the world, with lots of parks, colonial buildings and modern skyscrapers.

it also has seedy nightclub districts, full of drugs, guns and strippers. we aim to push the city's character into the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout.

with a complex, crowded underground railway system the dungeon diving will be reminiscent of FO3. while the red haze of the encroaching desert will mirror FO:NV.


Did you know that only 5% of Australian citizens (21million) have registered firearms? compare that to over 75% of Americans that own guns!

thus the number of guns available post-WW3 would be greatly less than in FO3/NV.

also the types of weapons will be different across the Pacific. i.e Cricket bats replace baseball bats, Steyer AUG instead of MA Carbine


we plan to create similar factions to the ones in America but with a unique Australian feel. this will include armour (we spell it with a "u") accents, and goals.

and the local fauna will feature heavily to cement the player smack-bang in the heart of the Australian Wasteland.


So help us give it "a fair shake of the sauce bottle",

offer tips, comments or your time and skills.




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This sounds like a lot of fun :)


Creatures: Mutant Bandicoots and Dragons.

Faction: A raider parader gang led by Priscilla. Their base is a big bus, obviously.

Quest: "A dingo ate my baby". That's what she claims. Do you go in search of it?


Oh if you need a voice actor for a 'whinging pomme' then I'm your man ;)

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Sweet! Now I have both Hawaii and Australia to look foward to.


And TrooperScooper that's an awesome idea!

Japan could be one of the few places that wasn't entirely destroyed.

Most of it's buildings and people still intact and advanced technology.

The problem would be that there are mutants and Chinese remnants trying to annex it for refugees. I think I'll make a thread for this. ^_^

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Sweet! Now I have both Hawaii and Australia to look foward to.


And TrooperScooper that's an awesome idea!

Japan could be one of the few places that wasn't entirely destroyed.

Most of it's buildings and people still intact and advanced technology.

The problem would be that there are mutants and Chinese remnants trying to annex it for refugees. I think I'll make a thread for this. ^_^

Why would Japan not be destroyed? They where probably conquered by the Chinese.

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