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Fallot Sydney (australia)


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  • 2 months later...

I definitely would love to see this one!



Though now visions of what mutations might have overtaken the already genetically demented wildlife of Australia will haunt me *shudders* Most of even the cuddly looking stuff native to it is dangerous! Mutant platypi or koalas could be bad enough, the monitors and spiders are pure nightmare fuel.

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"Australia has some of the largest and deadliest spiders in the entire world, sprinkle on a little radiation....you can see where I'm going with this."


Don't forget snakes, and huge ants, and sharks, and crocodiles, and platypus, and echidnas, and emus, and kangaroos, and canetoads (or chuzwazzas as we locally refer to them), and plagues of rabbits, and dingos, and monitor lizards, and magpies, and tasmanian tigers/devils, and crazy possums, and frilled neck lizards and wallabies, and every fly that has ever existed... Hmm... And anyone else see those huge ass mosquitoes that look like they could drain a mouse dry, I don't like them.


Then we can start talking about the hilarious mythical creatures (LoL)


Thumbs up for drop bears and bunyips, how bout some land sharks. Theres always a bilby that could pop up, or a giant frog that has consumed a local river.


But I guess you'd have to keep the fauna relatively local to sydney and the sheer hilarious.


Also thumbs up for mad max references. I mean, how could you NOT.

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