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Character won't move


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I recently installed vipCxj mod for High heels and at first worked fine. But for some reason it didn't work anymore(Body was through the floor with arms out, first person mode was odd,body wouldn't move, Crashed everytime i try to go to inventory) and i decided to remove all files in an attempt to uninstall. This didn't fix it though. Any idea?


edit** fixed



1) uninstall then re-install

2)fixed load order

3)Archive invalidation




this may have issue with personality_idles,see_you_sleep, and skeletons if you do NOT overwrite vipcxj's skeleton with the one before. this part is most important, besides load order. Make sure Highheels.esp is before all so it won't screw up badly with idles. You could make higheels.esp into .esm to avoid the problem(with TES4edit, but you don't have to, its just recommended) also make sure the HHtest.esp comes after Highheels.esp.

If you use Neoknight armour, make sure it loads after Highheels.esp. if you dont have proper load for these, it can screw up your first person view and make the bodies go through the floor. Breasts will look odd as well...


Also be careful if you use lock times on wrye bash(i don't)

it could mess up your order if you also use obmm

Edited by Actioncookie
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