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SCRIPT to - Add / Remove perk when equip / unequip


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Can anyone help me create a script that when you wear an item it adds a perk, but when you unequip it the perk disappears as well.


Here is exactly what I'm talking about

I want Power Helmets to add the perk: Gray Matters (xx00d1fd)

player.addperk 00d1fd - when equipping a Power Helmet

player.removeperk 00d1fd when unequipping a Power Helmet




Ps: I have an other similar thread going on, but the other one is not about perks, its just item effects but I think this is the more likely solution to work though.

Edited by jambonpaper
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Do you need the script on the player so that it detects if they're wearing any type of power helmet, or can it just be a script in the helmet itself? if the latter then it seems like you should just be able to put those commands into the equip and unequip blocks, like this


begin OnEquip player

player.addperk 00d1fd



begin OnUnequip player

player.removeperk 00d1fd



If you want it on the player though, I'd guess you'd have to use the ScriptEffectUpdate block and check if the player has any power helmets equipped. There might be a slight delay doing it that way though, and it would be a lot more cpu hungry since it would constantly be running. I'm not sure if there's any other way to do it.

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