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PC Carrying Weight... did I see that right?


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This may have already been discussed but when I was watching the 20 minute demo I noticed the Nord could carry 300 lbs. worth of gear. That got me thinking, what dictates the carrying weight since they took out the Strength attribute?


Are you telling me that a frail Breton woman can carry the same amount as a large Orcish male? Seriously? If that's the case then shame on Bethesda for missing so poorly with TES V. I hope this is something that can be modded if this is the case.


I want to hear other players/modders thoughts on this.

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Health, magicka, and stamina now take the place of some of the removed attributes. I think it's stamina that increases carrying capacity, but it might be health. If I'm completely wrong about that, then it might have been that they've added perks for it, but I think it's the former idea.
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Health, magicka, and stamina now take the place of some of the removed attributes. I think it's stamina that increases carrying capacity, but it might be health. If I'm completely wrong about that, then it might have been that they've added perks for it, but I think it's the former idea.


I did see a perk under pickpocketing that increases your "Pockets" by 100 so I'm wondering if that meant increasing your carrying capacity by 100. Even so, what determines the base carrying capacity? I know nobody but Bethesda truly knows but I'm afraid it's going to be jacked up.


Either way I'm sure I can mod it.

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While it is reasonable to think that a frail breton lady is not as strong as a brute mail orc, i ask myself who wants to play a frail breton lady and could mentioned frail creature really be the long awaited dovakin? :blush:


Just mod it to your liking.

I'll probably mod me a ring that allows my character to carry an inzane amount of stuff after a while. Leaving behind loot is not fun for me. :armscrossed:


This is an RPG of sorts so if somebody wants to roleplay a frail wee woman,

they can decide for themselves not to let their character carry more than say 90 ibs.

I know if I play a breton female character she'll be strong as an grown bear and capable of carrying any orcish male on her back into battle and home again.


Well yes there is a perk on the pickpocket perktree, that increases how much you can carry.

" "Extra Pockets"

Carrying capacity is increased by 100…"


One could ask why should a frail breton girl thief get to qualify for a perk like that, and the big strong orc warrior not?


I guess there's a simple answer, it's an RPG. So realisme don't always apply. It's a shame, but it's a game.


Hm, On the other hand, should orcs be allowed the same speak skill to start with, as breton ladies?

After all Breton ladies are so charming and orcs are so appalling . :biggrin:


Meh, basicly we can roleplay the hell out of our characters if we want. :smile:

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The people playing had their character very leveled up. And I'm sure, or hoping at least that that's not the case.
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Health, magicka, and stamina now take the place of some of the removed attributes. I think it's stamina that increases carrying capacity, but it might be health. If I'm completely wrong about that, then it might have been that they've added perks for it, but I think it's the former idea.


I did see a perk under pickpocketing that increases your "Pockets" by 100 so I'm wondering if that meant increasing your carrying capacity by 100. Even so, what determines the base carrying capacity? I know nobody but Bethesda truly knows but I'm afraid it's going to be jacked up.


Either way I'm sure I can mod it.

They put a limit on the number of things you can carry. I'm pretty sure that stamina is what does it. This isn't a guess, I'm just having a hard time remembering if that's what does it from a discussion about it in another thread where it was verified. I think it was Camonna Tong that verified it (he finds a lot of twitter answers from Pete Hines and talks to GStaff over at the Beth forums). Just to clarify, health, magicka, and stamina have taken the roles of most of the removed attributes. Magicka has effectively taken the role of intelligence and willpower as it both increases your magicka and makes it regenerate faster at higher levels. Stamina is supposed to increase movement speed and jump height slightly (we're not sure though, since the response to the question didn't specify if it was sprint speed or overall movement and I'm not sure if jump height was included in the answer) and might increase weight capacity. Health also might increase weight capacity and I think may increase physical damage slightly.

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They put a limit on the number of things you can carry. I'm pretty sure that stamina is what does it. This isn't a guess, I'm just having a hard time remembering if that's what does it from a discussion about it in another thread where it was verified. I think it was Camonna Tong that verified it (he finds a lot of twitter answers from Pete Hines and talks to GStaff over at the Beth forums). Just to clarify, health, magicka, and stamina have taken the roles of most of the removed attributes. Magicka has effectively taken the role of intelligence and willpower as it both increases your magicka and makes it regenerate faster at higher levels. Stamina is supposed to increase movement speed and jump height slightly (we're not sure though, since the response to the question didn't specify if it was sprint speed or overall movement and I'm not sure if jump height was included in the answer) and might increase weight capacity. Health also might increase weight capacity and I think may increase physical damage slightly.


That would make sense and I hope it's designed that way.

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