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Save game loads fine, but crashes upon save.


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I came back to Oblivion yet again, however, an unfortunate hard drive failure awhile back made me lose my installation of Oblivion and my mods. However, I still had backups of my savegames available.


My problem is, while the game will load these saves just fine, I can walk around, fight and such. But any time I try to save it, the game will crash and the save it tried to create is corrupted. I don't have all the mods I had then, most were just extra items and places, with a few larger mods like Martigens and Francescos. I no longer have those installed, but I do have the other the base files like Knights, shivering isles and such.


I tried loading it with only the official Oblivion files loaded and it makes no difference. However I did notice a few equippable items remain in my inventory despite removing the mods for them. They retain the name and such, but they have no mesh. I tried dumping them on the ground and leaving, but no help. I installed Wyre Bash and tried the remove save game bloat feature but again no change.


I am using the latest official patch for Shivering Isle, unofficial for Oblivion and SI, OBSE, OBMM, Stutter Remover, and a crash preventer that is a DLL file for OBSE.


Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try to do to recover this save? I have so much time put into it it'd really be a shame to have to lose it.

Edited by BoogieManFL
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I have some 60 saves, I tried about 15 of them from my newest, to my oldest and several in between trying ones saved in different areas as such. The oldest saves crash on load, the ones that are newest load successfully, but also crash on save. I tried dumping all my items and leaving the area before saving but no luck.. Edited by BoogieManFL
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Sometimes the suicide trick works. Load your game, move away from the immediate area and make another save, then kill your character (use console TCL to fly to a height, then toggle TCL again and fall). The game will automatically reload the last save. This might fix it; no guarantees though.
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Try dumping your inventory in some interior cell. Go to another cell, interior, where NO ONE else is around. Stay there for four days. (or, whatever your respawn clock is set to, plus one day) Go back out into the world, and try and save.


I appreciate your help, as I try different things I am gathering all the old mods I used with these saves to see if that helps.


I just tried what you suggested, and no luck sadly.



Sometimes the suicide trick works. Load your game, move away from the immediate area and make another save, then kill your character (use console TCL to fly to a height, then toggle TCL again and fall). The game will automatically reload the last save. This might fix it; no guarantees though.


But I can't make another save because the game crashes when I try to save.

Edited by BoogieManFL
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I found the fix. I installed the old mods the save game had one by one until it worked, then restored my Oblivion directory back how it was when it didn't work. I installed only the last mod that made it work from the previous installation, and bam, it works.


Somehow Kumiko Manor not being installed was able to stop my game from saving even without some 12 other mods, despite having much broader impacts on the game. I have no idea why. I'm going to save it again and remove the mod and see if it still works. If I have to leave it enabled that's fine, long as it works. Just figured I'd report the fix. Thanks for the assistance!


Although now I am having a problem with my camera getting offset to the left, I can sometimes see myself in first person view.

Edited by BoogieManFL
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Oblivion can do some weird stuff........


Post your current load list. :D


I posted my load order in another thread http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/433481-invisible-creatures-glitch/


This one I fixed for now by deleting (after backing up) the \Oblivion\Data\meshes\Characters\_1stPerson files. I wasn't able to find a proper fix.

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"But I can't make another save because the game crashes when I try to save. "


Sorry, I missed that -- guess I need better glasses :o_O:


Glad you fixed it, and good that you posted the fix, as all new info on this game's peculiarities are useful :thumbsup:

Edited by roquefort
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