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Not sure we get more DLCs


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TES6 is defentely in pre production, Art design, storywriting, basic game design and so on. The two rumors ive heared about were Somerset and Black Marsh, both would make sense, but also both countrys are way smaller than skyrim and thats not bethesdas style. So more likly going to be a multi province game this time. Anyway, enough of the TES talk. The upcoming DLCs make me curious what they have in mind. Maybe something with the enclave, in Fo3 broken steel it seemed you killed the enclave for good, but they are like cockroaches and i remember them coming from up north.

Maybe even something else on the eastcoast, now that you have a boat, the coast is free to be explored in theroy. New York is close, in theory the boat could reach florida. Some everglades style DLC would be interesting although far harbor did the swamp theme already.

I just hope they dont see far harbor as the one big obligatory big DLC and now only give us horse armors and workshop expansions.

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This post contains Fallout 3 spoilers


TES6 is defentely in pre production, Art design, storywriting, basic game design and so on. The two rumors ive heared about were Somerset and Black Marsh, both would make sense, but also both countrys are way smaller than skyrim and thats not bethesdas style. So more likly going to be a multi province game this time. Anyway, enough of the TES talk. The upcoming DLCs make me curious what they have in mind. Maybe something with the enclave, in Fo3 broken steel it seemed you killed the enclave for good, but they are like cockroaches and i remember them coming from up north.

Maybe even something else on the eastcoast, now that you have a boat, the coast is free to be explored in theroy. New York is close, in theory the boat could reach florida. Some everglades style DLC would be interesting although far harbor did the swamp theme already.

I just hope they dont see far harbor as the one big obligatory big DLC and now only give us horse armors and workshop expansions.

Those islands? They can do it, and then give you new continents to explore in upcoming expansions.

The two Wasteland Workshop DLC worries me too much. No more dlc story mode, only objects for our settlement.

But i really wish to see the east coast Enclave remains, there is such a plothole, and what's happened to them? Where are they? Is the Enclave litterally death with Autumn?

Edited by SignorNessuno
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