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WryeBash and mTES4, sitting in a tree...


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Hi guys!


Need to clarify some stuff about creating multiple clones with mTES4, hope you can help!



I've been playing Oblivion and adding mods for some time now, and I'd love to try out:

a) Nehrim

b) a German install

c) playing with some major overhauls.



for all of which I will obviously need clones. To that end I've got some specific questions, hope you can help me:



1) Can Wrye Bash / BAIN manage different load orders for each clone?


2) If it does, will WB recognise the activated clone and load mods accordingly or must I switch manually?


3) What happens with the savegames? Does each clone get its own savegame folder?


4) What about the "Oblivion Install" folder, will it be used for ALL clones or will each clone get its own folder?


5) What do I do if, after creating the clones, I can't start my first, modded game anymore?


6) does mTES4 work well with Vista64?



Thanx in advance!

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Only question I can answer for you is 6) Tes4 Oblivion works well in Vista, but be sure to install into a different folder than default. Install somewhere like c:\games or something like that. The reason is the UAC in Vista and Win7 cause issues at times if installed in program files folder.
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To try to answer your questions;


1. You will need seperate installs of Wrye, OBMM, BOSS, OBSE, etc. for each clone.

2. To change the mods installed on a particular clone, you need to first set that clone as "active" thru mTES4 Manager, then run the utility (Wrye, OBMM) installed on that clone.

3. Yes, each clone gets it's own savegame folder and ini file.

4. Each clone will have it's own folder, the currently active clone will be called "Oblivion", the others will have the unique names you gave them when creating the clones.

5. I run Win7 64 with no issues. Just make sure you install Oblivion to a user-created directory (see previous post).


More advice;


Before you create your first clone, reinstall the game (backup your mods, ini, and saves) and clone a completely vanilla game. I have had issues with cloning modded setups. Also, keeping a totally vanilla clone as a backup will ensure that you never have to reinstall the game ever again.


When you first create a new clone it will not have a save file, ini file, or renderinfo txt. You need to run each clone thru the Oblivion Launcher, and let it detect your hardware, then start a new game and make a new save. This will generate all the necessary files. You must do this before adding any mods.


Defrag before creating new clones.


Utilities such as TES4LODGEN will still work, but only on the currently active clone.


Forget about using shortcuts anymore, gets too confusing with multiple clones.


Be careful not to get carried away creating clones, the file that contains all my clones is almost 80gb and i have 3-4 more i want to build.

Edited by eric31415
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