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The Cut scene


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The Great thing about morrowing is the lack of the cut scene. You know what im talking about like in all the FF games every two minutes the game stops to give you more info on the plot. Now this is ok except if you've already scene them. Now MG2 had it so after you beat the game once you could skip the ones you couldn't before. The thing is they like to show off how great the graphics are. But enough with the bragging give us a way to skip them!!!! :ranting:
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haha, final fantasy was a joke of a game, ever since 7 came out people that actually knew the true meaning of RPG (mainly people who grew up on games like/similar to ultima or the TES series) games could predict a black hole in the RPG games, and to this day, i blame games like final fantasy 7 and onwards, that have caused people to hate real RPG's due to the insane amount of text, and actual use of the brain involved, i know a kid at my school who thinks morrowind is not a RPG, its a adventure/platform game, and this kids first RPG was final fantasy 8, and final fantasy 8 probably made the hole even bigger, by showing, you dont need armor to live in a fight involving a machine that will take 60,000 damage to kill. :angry2:


theres my 2 cents on FF.


slightly moreso on topic.


the cutscenes did get in the way anyway, i always hear about that stupid fight the main guy of FF8 got the scar on him, and the dodgy gunblade, not to mention how stupid the whole concept of cutscene every 1 minute is, probably why FF8 was 4 cd's thanks to the gits who made it.

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haha, final fantasy was a joke of a game, ever since 7 came out people that actually knew the true meaning of RPG (mainly people who grew up on games like/similar to ultima or the TES series) games could predict a black hole in the RPG games, and to this day, i blame games like final fantasy 7 and onwards, that have caused people to hate real RPG's due to the insane amount of text, and actual use of the brain involved, i know a kid at my school who thinks morrowind is not a RPG


Ok so everone has their own opinions and all, personally i like both styles of games. Final Fantasy was the series that really brought me into the gaming universe in the first place. Is it a true RPG? no. Does anyone really care? NO. Final Fantasy games are played for story not massive reading or strategic battle plans like in true RPG's. But its not any lesser of a game than any other game. It actually excells when it comes to human emotions. If you like that kind of game you play FF, if you like the more traditional DnD style of RPG's then you stick with true RPG's like morrowind or NWN whatever. To be honest, back when i was in highschool i used to mock the DnD'ers, kick dirt on their gaming boards, destroy theit crud and generaly cause them a hell of a time because i thought they were idiots addicted to fantasy who weren't going anywhere in life. Needless to say im not that way anymore :P. Immature days are over im afraid. My point is you shouldn't mock a style of game. Or people for liking that style.


Especially if your arguing over trivial matters such as killing a robot witout special armor or weapons. And remember it IS a freakin video game. And you are trying to compare it to traditional DND style rules and realism. Sorry to say it makes you look bad bro.


Concerning the topic of cut scenes. Everyone that knows me knows im a 3d modeler and personally I love cut scenes in any game. They show off the artistic ability of the graphical designers of that game. They add to the emotion and the overall feeling of it. Even in morrowind they still felt in place.

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i respect your opinion, i was never saying that i only played RPG's with a storyline made up of text and not cut-scenes, in fact, i hated Neverwinter Nights, and some other RPG's that were claimed True RPG's, dungeon seige for another example, i hated that too, it was far too much like the diablo series, 2 being the worse in my opinion, the same hack and slash over and over and over again, at least diablo 1 has a scare factor, to some it did.


although i admit i was a little too immature with mocking FF throughout that ramble, i just read a big 5 page review over how much FF has changed and 4 pages of that was saying how pointless number 7, 8 and 9 were, and it got to my head since my school is full of people who live on talking about final fantasy 10, and i just sit there and eventually saying "shut up, im trying to work here".


erm, anyway.


i understand the effect cut scenes have on a game, vice city which relys on it is the best example i can find, since the actuall game graphics itself dont always use lip-sync, or even moving facial parts.


so i am sorry if i have offended you.

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I have removed references to ohGr's classmate. I have no idea what the legal position would be if he found out about it and people recognised who you were talking about but I'd rather not find out the hard way. I don't think it affects the rest of the post. Do remember guys, these are public forums! You may think the possibility is remote but stranger things have happened!
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