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Magic System


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Hey everyone, been lurking on the forum and thought I'd post my own question. Not sure if it's been answered, but I tried a search and can't really find a definite answer. I'm usually a heavy magic user in oblivion, and was wondering about whether the 80 sum spells are 80 different types of spells, or just 80 spells total. For instance I read a skyrim review that said they had one fire spell that allowed them to hold the cast button to create a flamethrower, but a click would send a fireball. I can't seem to find the source, but was hoping that this was the case, as the magic might seem pretty limited if there's only going to be 80 spells if they consider each variation of a fireball spell a separate spell.

Is this the case where we're going to have a fire spell with multiple ways of casting, or is it going to be like 5 different types of each spell, and they consider that as a part of the 80 different spells available?

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There are 3 types of fire spells, fireball, flamethrower and flame rune (A trap that you cast on the floor) probably.

These are separate spells, not one spell that you use differently.


And I'm afraid I can't answer the question whether those 3 spells are included in said 80 spells.

I personally think and hope they are not and that we will have 80 different spell effects.


Also, Welcome to the Nexus!

Have a fishy stick.

Edited by Iv000
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quick question tagged onto this topic if no one minds... will we get some creative freedom with the spell effects a la the other Elder Scrolls games where spell creation is possible? I for one really want my Uses-all-of-my-mana-but-kills-anything-that-can-be-killed-with-every-elemental-effect-and-a-massive-blast-radius-fireball-of-death... sorry if it's been asked before (I did search but got nothing under "spell creation"), if it has been discussed and someone can remember the keywords please link.
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quick question tagged onto this topic if no one minds... will we get some creative freedom with the spell effects a la the other Elder Scrolls games where spell creation is possible? I for one really want my Uses-all-of-my-mana-but-kills-anything-that-can-be-killed-with-every-elemental-effect-and-a-massive-blast-radius-fireball-of-death... sorry if it's been asked before (I did search but got nothing under "spell creation"), if it has been discussed and someone can remember the keywords please link.

Spell creation is not in, as well as combining different spell effects (You can't combine fire and ice, but you can fire and fire).

I'm sure it will be easy to create a few spells in the Creation Kit. If you are on PC that is.

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There are 3 types of fire spells, fireball, flamethrower and flame rune (A trap that you cast on the floor) probably.

These are separate spells, not one spell that you use differently.





I actually thought it was exactly one spell that you use differently, the early write-ups seem to suggest so. Has this been clarified or altered since then?


I thought the idea was if you cast it at a person it's a fireball, you cast it at the floor and it sets a trap, or you hold down the button and it's a stream of flame?


Nope they're separate spells. If you go onto the elderscrolls site and watch the 2nd gameplay walkthrough you see before he fights the frost troll he scrolls down the list of fire spells (at 4:27):


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quick question tagged onto this topic if no one minds... will we get some creative freedom with the spell effects a la the other Elder Scrolls games where spell creation is possible? I for one really want my Uses-all-of-my-mana-but-kills-anything-that-can-be-killed-with-every-elemental-effect-and-a-massive-blast-radius-fireball-of-death... sorry if it's been asked before (I did search but got nothing under "spell creation"), if it has been discussed and someone can remember the keywords please link.

Spell creation is not in, as well as combining different spell effects (You can't combine fire and ice, but you can fire and fire).

I'm sure it will be easy to create a few spells in the Creation Kit. If you are on PC that is.


Yes I am on the PC, but I have all the modding skill of a 2 day old Orc... this is going to be a proper long shot at this time; but does anyone know if the "constructor" has the functionally to allow modding of a spell creator similar to the older ES games?

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There are 3 types of fire spells, fireball, flamethrower and flame rune (A trap that you cast on the floor) probably.

These are separate spells, not one spell that you use differently.





I actually thought it was exactly one spell that you use differently, the early write-ups seem to suggest so. Has this been clarified or altered since then?


I thought the idea was if you cast it at a person it's a fireball, you cast it at the floor and it sets a trap, or you hold down the button and it's a stream of flame?


Nope they're separate spells. If you go onto the elderscrolls site and watch the 2nd gameplay walkthrough you see before he fights the frost troll he scrolls down the list of fire spells (at 4:27):



Ah yes... thanks :-)


I noticed also the "Adept" rank assigned to some of those spells... does this mean we have some differently-named levels instead of Apprentice, Journeyman, and Expert? Novice and Master is still there. Adept would probably be the equivalent of Apprentice or perhaps Journeyman I imagine.


So traditionally the term "Adept" doesn't tend to refer to a high rank, even though earlier in that demo we see he has a Destruction skill in the 90s, which would be in Oblivion's "Expert" level. Yet the Adept-level Fireball spell in that menu does 75 points of damage... rather a lot, same as the Master-level Firestorm spell. Does that suggest that the damage level goes up for low-level spells as your skill in Destruction magic increases? I really like that idea, instead of having to find higfer-level spells to do more damage. Makes a lot more sense to me.

Edited by mikedepreston
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In the video that chikawowwow posted, you clearly see fire has 3 spells, ice has 3 and lightning has 2(out of a possible 3) So that makes 9 for destruction, just out of current speculation. It's going to be hard to tell which school will have the majority of the "80" spells. It's fairly certain it won't be equal pairing.
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