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Need quest mod help


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It's not actually a script command.


If you want a map marker that you can fast travel to, it's a base object listed in World Objects > Static named "MapMarker".


If you want a little arrow telling where the player should go for the quest, you can add that under the Quest Targets tab for your quest.

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What people usually do is have a map marker object placed in the CS beforehand. They have it initially disabled and give it a reference ID like: AAMyScaryDungeonMapMarkerREF. When the time comes to make it findable, they have a line of code execute in a script:



This is for if you want the map marker to not be findable and viewable until after a certain point.


If the map marker is something that gamers are allowed to find before the quest calls for it, but you just want to show the marker on their map for if they haven't found it yet, then the object would not be initially disabled and the code would be:


ShowMap AAMyScaryDungeonMapMarkerREF

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more simply put. in your quest stage result script box, put something like this:

showmap CRGVmarker, 1


just replace the CRGVmarker with whatever you put at the REF ID. Writing 1 after the name of it will make it able to be traveled to right away (ie you don't need to find it first)


BTW dude, on an off note, you seem a little impatient. I've seen several posts of yours and you need to chill, it sometimes takes folks a bit to formulate a response :) best of luck

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