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TESV: Epic challenge


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someone did that with Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas !!


you need to have the download versions of both games but this mod at New Vegas Nexus allows the player to travel from New Vegas to Fallout 3 and bring items back and forth


f***ing epic !


both games use the same engine however



yea,.. fallout is a different case because of several factors. (havent tried it yet, but I intend to)


What he wants would require a complete remake of everything, texture, models, scripting, quests, landmass, dialoq,... just, everything, from scratch.

If they can't finish just morrowind doing that, then theres no way it's getting done period.

Idk why this was even presented as a new idea... we all been wanting it with every new game in the series, but it just ain't happening.

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The only sensible way of doing this would be like a flashback scene, or one I'm proud of thinking up, reading a book.


Basically, something like picking up a book, then reading it, would activate a sequence where you're the character in a story. The story that you would play through would be something we've seen in past games or other books throughout the games. These would just be small things, probably lasting within the range of a half an hour to an hour.


The idea of remaking Tamriel as a whole? That's just silly.


You're open to try it, and anyone who'd be open for the project, but it sure as heck won't be a walk in the park. I'm guessing a few years.


Edit: Also, yeah. This would be more silly since the games are hundreds of years apart.

Edited by dwellufool
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yea .. The morrowind graphics mods made the projects pointless .. The NPCs still looks a bit clunky but the water looks 100 times better than oblivion or Skyrim water .. as well as the fantastic SSAO and sunrays... I just cant picture anyone wasting there time on this when each game is already great on their own.
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While we're dreaming, it would make more sense to me to redo Daggerfall than Morrowind. That way all four of the greatest RPGs ever made could be played in cronological order while looking good and much improved AI. Morrowind can at least be modded to look good whereas Daggerfall is cursed with a DOS era 512k engine. But really it would take more than just a hugh programming effort to accomplish. Pretty much imposible on your own or even with a small team and limited budget. If it could be pulled off though I would stand in line to play it.
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whereas Daggerfall is cursed with a DOS era 512k engine


You sure about that? ;)




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JJQ0rYjIaro" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




edit: anyone know how to embed youtube videos on this forum?

Edited by Tuco404
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whereas Daggerfall is cursed with a DOS era 512k engine


You sure about that? ;)




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JJQ0rYjIaro" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




*laughs in palm* .. That totally doesn't age well .. I don't care who you are.

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Thats the stupidest idea I heard so far you are forgetting that each game has a different leveling system and game mechanics so there would have to be scripts that would match all games at same time. Also each game takes at a different time so it would be like walking into the past. Even if it was made so that by going to a specific place or talking to some NPC which would simply make you start playing one of the previous games it would still be pointless I mean all that trouble just to not quit one game to play another instead?

It wouldnt make much difference from simply having all games in the series installed at the same time and playing the one you feel like atm.

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