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Resistance 3 has been fixed


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so many ppl out there, myself included, would notice some lag and/or framerate issues when playing some online competitive. some worse then others, some not at all, but none the less is was there. for me personally my framerate would drop horribly whenever 3+ people entered onto my screen, bad enough that i almost never could win because i wasnt usually firing in the right spot because they moved but i couldnt follow fast enough. well as of today i believe (Sunday) it was fixed via patch 1.03. i logged on and played a few matches and confirmed no more framerate drops even when there were 5 or 6+ ppl battling next to me, which happens a lot in R3.


only problem is, is that i started playing Torchlight again the other day cause R3 was unplayable for me, and i got hooked again lol. i want to go back to the smoother R3 but ughhh god damn addiction right now lol. im gunna have to rip myself away from Torchlight soon. gotta get some more R3 in before Dark Souls comes out (Ps3 as well) then BF3 soon thereafter (again getting for Ps3)


but ya, if any of you were putting of R3 cause of what you heard, or noticed it yourself and stopped playing or whatever, its all better now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
unfortunately i never rly went back. finished with Torchlight, went to Diablo 2. now BF3 beta is out, then Dark Souls next tuesday. R3 will die out as soon as BF3 comes out so if i dont get my online soon then i wont get it at all. too bad, cause it was pretty fun, just too many other games out/coming out.
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