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You can now turn Off the HUD


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Deep Silver said that Dead Island's HUD could be completely customized, and man I was thoroughly disappointed with that. I turned off the Zombie's HP Bar, but I'm still left with my own HP Bar, a Stamina Bar, and a Radar / Compass. The game's good, but they were very loose with the definition of customize.


I know Bethesda's HUD customization will be much better, but I really enjoy judging things for myself, rather than having a computer judge my status for me (ie, how much damage I've taken, how much magika I have left, are examples of what I like to judge for myself). I'm also limiting myself to the physical map included with the game and NPC directions rather than using the 3D built in map. There's nothing like discovering and learning things for yourself, which is a huge draw to Bethesda games for me.

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I personally like the compass. The others I could live without. :thumbsup:
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i don't know about the rest of you, but i personally like seeing what my health is since i'm not inside the game to feel the slashes and frost burns myself, and a little compass to steer myself in the right direction is nice since if i was there i'd have my compas out all the time.
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i don't know about the rest of you, but i personally like seeing what my health is since i'm not inside the game to feel the slashes and frost burns myself, and a little compass to steer myself in the right direction is nice since if i was there i'd have my compas out all the time.

Good point. Plus it makes me feel homey due to the bars being in Morrowind. :thumbsup:

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