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Texture problem with armor replacer


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I am new to modding and am doing some experimenting to figure out how things work. I would like to create some armor replacers, but am having some trouble. I welcome help with my specific problem as well as general advice on how textures amd meshes relate.


Here is what I did; for experimenting purposes I downloaded the great Ixia armor mod for New Vegas.

- I took the ixia1F.nif mesh file and renamed it outfitf.nif and placed it in Data/Meshes/Armor/Wastelanddoctor01/ in order replace that piece of armor.

- I copied all of the ixia textures and placed them in textures/armor/wastelanddoctor01/ hoping that they would automatically be used.

- To be on the safe side I also copied them into the default destination for the mod \textures\fizz\ixia i will explain my reasoning in a minute.

- When I wear this armor, this is what happens. The armor appears fine, and it seems the textures loaded as well. However, there are pieces missing on the arm, and strange rippling on the skin.

- I tried archive invalidation but it didnt seem to have an effect.




Here are my questions:

1. What seems to be happening in the screenshot?

2. I placed the textures in two locations because I wasnt sure how they are linked to meshes. Does each mesh have the location of the relevant textures encoded in it? So in this case is the texture searched for in the fixx/ixia folder or in the default wastelanddoctor01 folder? Would the textures need to be reloaded or anything?

3. Anything that would help be understand this relationship would help. Thanks.

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it may be the body texture is messed up, because the way it was scripted to wrap around and the body goes under the mesh in such has gotten befuddled, not sure but i do know how to fix it. if you look at the BB armor replacer (T3BB) he just overwrites the armors but what he does is he includes the actually body of the character in the .nif, so the body is in the armor, as the armor. catch ma drift? now I dont have the skills to do that, i just tweak my exsisting armors, but that should work, so in other words: import the femaleupperbody and femalelowerbody .nif into your armor .nif, and move the armor pieces so they are on the female body. if the textures are still messed up, simply in Geck under alternate textures for items make the upper body piece and the lwoer body piece alternately use their proper textures (idk if textures are saved when .nifs are combined-- never done it) that should work, but if not contact the maker of T3bb
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