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Cant get FNV4GB (nvse edition) to run at all


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well if everything is right and it doesn't work


refer to silverlock


* Is NVSE compatible with the "FNV4GB" loader that enables the large-address-aware (aka 4GB) flag?

- Yes. Use this alternate loader.



try that alternate loader (its on their page)



then if it still doesn't work


remember to read this

Contact the NVSE Team

Before contacting us, make sure that your game launches properly without NVSE first.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 8 months later...

wow these people are ******* retarded no help at all


This is from early last year. We call this Thread necromancy as you are digging up a dead topic.


Very few people are even going to see it as it's buried so deep you need a drilling rig to find it. If you really want to post a problem - make a new post - It's FREE, you can do it. Be sure to pick the right forum to ask or you may not get an answer. Give as much info as you can on your problem.


but you are going to have to wait a while as I'm putting you in time out for a week for violating forum rules - 2 of them - one for flaming people trying to help.


wow these people are ******* retarded

And the other for profanity


No penalty this time for the necromancy



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