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Is the messed-up ironsights problem fixed yet?


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The Problem:


You know for the assault rifle, the ironsight is similar to that of the ironsight of an M4/M16 with a rail sight on: This thing http://image.become.com/imageserver/s3/491663183-150-150-5-32/tippmann-98-custom-pro-paintball-adjustable-sight-rail.jpg


If you play CoD or other games with ironsights and with the M4/M16 in them, you'd know how an ironsight for that gun looks like. It's a ring, lined up with 3 lines/bars/whatever-you-call-it. Well, you're supposed to hit at the center of the ring where the middle bar/line's tip is at. Instead, in FONV, you hit the TOP of the ring.


The question:


Did Bethesda fix this in their updates for the game?


I haven't played this game for a long time. I uninstalled it because of this ridiculous bug. Now, since there are DLC's out, I want to enjoy the content, BUT with my ironsights firing correctly, otherwise my immersion of the game will be screwed! Since my favorite weapons are automatic assault rifles!


If they still haven't fixed it yet, too bad. Is there a mod out already that fixes this?!!!

Edited by danjako43
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  • 5 weeks later...
Ahhh, this bug - when it happened to the service rifle/ for me, the bug affected most weapons, like the brush gun and all M16- and M4-styled weapons. I just re-installed my game, new character, then everything was fixed.
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as far as I know it's a bug that affects when you're trying to long range snipe without a scope (with a varmint rifle or a service rifle), not to blame the devs of the game, they implemented a bullet curving for when you try to shoot targets too far away, most probably due to the deviation of the iron sights


one way to fix it is to just disable true iron sights.

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