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Race Face Texture looks ODD! Why?


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Hi, i'm working on a big Tron city mod and want to create a few new races for it so I made a smoother skin texture to start with using the female face dds file, gave it eye make-up and smoothed the skin in Gimp.


I apply the texture to my new race but when I check it in the render window it appears rough and aged! The eye make-up shows fine so can't work it out, I may be mistaken but I swear the shape of the face changes to an old woman as well.


I have a new folder for race textures in data/textures/characters/Program Race .


Can anybody tell me what is happening? :confused:

Edited by Ironman5000
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Do you have a normal map for it ( the _n file) and did you put any files like headhumanm10.dds in the folder as well?


I have copied the normal map and the sk.dds to the same folder where the altered texture is and didn't change anything. Do you think I should not add a folder to data/characters folder and maybe just try renaming it? I know some things are path sensitive but I would have thought it wouldn't show at all if this was the case.


I even tried applying it to the head mesh in Nifskope but when I tested it in-game I was unable to adjust the head shape in the character generator, although I wasn't suprised really i'm still learning.


Do I need to use Nifskope for any reason when it comes to race retex? I use it for all other retextures.

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If you don't have the ones like headhumanm10.dds that niv mentioned it will look old and ugly like you describe.


Ok but I dont have a headhumanm10.dds, it is title headhuman.dss along with _n and _sk files. Assuming they are the same, are they name sensitive or folder sensitive (data\textures\characters)? AND do the _n and _sk files need to be in the folder (if one can added to \characters) with the alternative version?


I know new creatures mesh files are folder sensitive but I don't know of any name sensitive files.

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So copy the vanilla ones over to the directory where your new race textures live. If you kept the naming scheme the same they should just work. Maybe even if you didn't, dunno about that.


Ok i've sorted it now, thanks for the advice. It worked once I renamed the dds file to it's original 'headhuman', so theoretically for multiple races all I need to do is create another folder and repeat the process. I've now done a Tron Program race and it's looking pretty good! Thanks for taking the time to help, i'll give you my kudos! :thumbsup:

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