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NPC Behaviour


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I have placed quiet a large number of npc's in my mod and have some questions on their behaviour.


1. Why do they run around and steal/take items that I have placed on tables and various places? And is there a way to counteract this?

For example, one npc's seems to go to a table and grab a bottle of water, if I place a container on the wall filled with water bottles, will the npc ignore the water on the table?

I would like to have them stop this behaviour (but still want them to sit down and take a drink/eat/smoke) as it leaves my areas pretty empty when 20+ npc's have gone on a hoarding rampage!


2. When some npc's use idle markers such as sleeping and if the bed is placed half a centimeter down into the floor, and you shoot them while using this idle marker, they will glitch about, sometimes going through the bed/wall/chair/where ever the idle marker is placed.

Is there anyway to counteract this? Or do I have to manually "replace"(as in move them up and out from any wall/floor) ALL idle markers in my mod?


3. Idleing. Sometimes when out in the wasteland, you see npc's smoke/clean the floor/do various things. How do I make my npc's do these things? Is it as simple as putting a pack of ciggarettes in their inventory or in a locker or on a table for the to pick up?

Also, I placed "repair wall markers" as I thought they would use a blowtorch to repair the wall, but they just use a wrench, how can I change this?


Heh, quiet a lot of weird questions, but I couldn't find any info on the geck tutorial on this.

Hope you can understand, and I'm thankfull for any help I get!

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1. Setting the ownership of the items to soemeone else will probably take care of this.

2. Probably yes, you need to place them on the floor, etc. Make sure the area is navmeshes as well.

3. Give them cigs and add them to the smokerfaction, that should be it. For the repair markers, there are different ones as I recall. You can also give them travel packages with specific idles.

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1. Setting the ownership of the items to soemeone else will probably take care of this.

2. Probably yes, you need to place them on the floor, etc. Make sure the area is navmeshes as well.

3. Give them cigs and add them to the smokerfaction, that should be it. For the repair markers, there are different ones as I recall. You can also give them travel packages with specific idles.


Yes I just remember now that I read about smokerfaction somewhere long ago, this is pretty much the most important thing for my mod :P

So thanks again.

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