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You might start with the FAQ in this forum


However, bear in mind, there is a lot of misleading and wrong information in that post. It was correct when it was made but a year later

and I'd change some of that post up quite a bit.


I don't know why the Nexus does not keep up to date FAQS for those new to this scene but that has always been the case since

I can recall from years ago.

Nobody seems to keep a repository of faqs and updated here.


Another resource I'd suggest is Google of course. You will find the Fallout NV and Fallout WIKI . Lots of great info there and IMO more

properly updated than some of the FAQ's I"ve seen around here.

Nexus is the only place to go for the mods themselves but for a nub finding out how to mod the game I'd just say, read, read, read. Oh, and Google.

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This guys tutorials are top notch, even if you aren't using the particular UI mods he is, the process is generally the same for all the mods I've used.


I would also recommend re-installing steam and New Vegas in your Games folder - or anywhere besides the "default" Program files directory, lest you have permissions headaches with FOMM.


Don't get frustrated if you have to do it a few times before you get the hang of it!

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