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Problem with ARENA


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Yer, I know this isn't really Morrowind, but it's still Elder Scrolls, and I'm surprised how many people on these forums still play Arena and Daggerfall. Anyways, little old me recently got my hands on Arena, and I've installed it on my computer according to the instructions (it's a re-issue by Retro Gamer, it has instructions and stuff, I'm not sure if its legit tho), and it works perfectly except for 1 thing... wen I go into fullscreen, the colours go all... messed up, kind of rainbowy, impossible 2 play, but in small screen it works fine. This has unfortunately happened 2 a lot of my beloved old games on my comp, although most of them aint even DOS.


The thing is though that this didn't happen with old games on my old Windows XP computer, i'm using Windows 7 now. Don't ask me about my system specifications, cuz i hav no frekkin' idea. So shuld I change some settings around and everything will work, or shuld I dig up my old Windows XP laptop.


PS, I really recommend this reissue of Arena, even if u already hav the original. It comes with a lot of great tips on the game as well as installing it, playing it, emulation, as well as DOSBox being packaged with it.

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Download it from the official ES website. http://www.elderscrolls.com/arena

Just in case you didn't notice, Arena and Daggerfall are free. You can download both of them from their official websites.


Both should work. I too have W7, I had no problems with both.

If you have any more problems or questions feel free to ask.


does it really matter where i got it from? downloading from the elder scrolls site is the same as buying the game.

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Download it from the official ES website. http://www.elderscrolls.com/arena

Just in case you didn't notice, Arena and Daggerfall are free. You can download both of them from their official websites.


Both should work. I too have W7, I had no problems with both.

If you have any more problems or questions feel free to ask.


does it really matter where i got it from? downloading from the elder scrolls site is the same as buying the game.

It does matter.

The official version has a working DOS emulator.

Just download it from the TES site, it should work.

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