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What armor is this?


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The armor you are referring to is the "Leather Trench Coat."




The default version is Brown, but there is a black version, it's the same thing, just Black: http://cawfee.us/fallout/Leather_Trench_Coat_Black.zip


If you want to change the gloves, just ask, i'll teach you how, it's VERY easy.


Your Welcome,



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Thanks John, What about the mask and hat? are those found in game or do I have to download those from somewhere too?


Hmm, that's actually from Fallout 3. There are, however, plenty of cowboy-looking hats in vanilla (Unmodded) New Vegas, my favorite is the Ranger Grey Hat. The mask, however, I don't know.... There is a Rebreather in-game, it looks like the breathing mask, but the mask part, i'm not sure, its probably a Fo3 Mod though, you could try asking the author if they could port it over to New Vegas.


However, this might work:



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I bet if you wore the darklight cowl and changed the item type to be the same as a rebreather or glassed you would be able to wear a hat with it and get the look.

(or change the item type of the salvaged power helmet)


Not that hard, one simple setting in geck.

Edited by EvolutionZero
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I bet if you wore the darklight cowl and changed the item type to be the same as a rebreather or glassed you would be able to wear a hat with it and get the look.

(or change the item type of the salvaged power helmet)


Not that hard, one simple setting in geck.


Yes, but does he have Old World Blues?




Clark Kent, do you have the DLC "Old World Blues?"

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Alright, good.




-What do you want to call it? This is what it will appear in your inventory as.

-How much Damage Threshold (DT) do you want it to have?

-Do you want any effects on it, such as: + Strength, +Guns, Radiation Resistance.

-How much Item Health do you want it to have?


Here is what it will look like: http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/c/c5/HazmatHelmet.png


Oh, and here are all the hats in the vanilla game: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_armor_and_clothing#Headgear

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