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Athronoc sign


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The Atronoch sign gives Spell absorption in exchange for the disadvantage of not gaining mana when resting.


So does it only absorb elemental damage? or does it absorb other magicka too (paralyze, blind etc.)


And if im a nord (immune to cold, resist shock 50%)

And someone uses 100 damage cold on me, will i absorb nothing because im immune. or will i still get mana?)

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Well it dosent active with cast on self spells if it did it would be way to easy to have infinite magicka, it dosent absorb reflected spells either, and last i checked there wernt any NPCs that cast healing spells on you, also i have NEVER had it absorb the "Restore Attributes" you get from shrines tho i did have it absorb Vivics Blessing once wich was really odd.
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If your imune to frost and a frost spell is cast on you while you have spell absorbtion 50% there is a 50% chance the spell will be absorbed and magicka recoverd if spell absorbtion fails to activate then the spell will hit and youll get that "you resisted magicka" messege. and as stated before any spell you personaly cast can not be absorbed by spell absorbtion. Trust me here Ive played many Antroch Mage charecters. the ONLY way you will ever absorb a spell is if someone or something other then you casts it at you. this is why antroch players like to be able to summon a ancestral ghost succesfully at anytime, they summon it, and then punch it so that it attacks them, then let it throw spells at them untill it is out of magicka or its timer runs out.
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Well it dosent active with cast on self spells if it did it would be way to easy to have infinite magicka, it dosent absorb reflected spells either, and last i checked there wernt any NPCs that cast healing spells on you, also i have NEVER had it absorb the "Restore Attributes" you get from shrines tho i did have it absorb Vivics Blessing once wich was really odd.

That's wierd. It's always absorbed positive spells with me (even cast on self ones), especially the ones from imperial altars and such. :huh:

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