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Morrowind Elf Voices


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One thing I instantly hated about Oblivion was the Elf voices. Gone were the husky and throaty Dark Elf voices, gone were the haughty and posh High Elf voices, gone were the rudeness of the Wood Elf voices, replaced with what sounds like the voice actor was a 3-year-old on happy pills. So culd some1 maybe replicate the Morrowind Elf voices for Oblivion?
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Interesting idea. I actually prefer the Oblivion voices but I agree that there's not enough variety in them.


Not to be discouraging, but I don't think a voice overhaul is likely to be attempted. It would basically require six voice actors to replace the originals (who were professionals by the way). Thousands of lines of dialogue would have to be recorded, edited and converted to work with Oblivion. In total, around a gigabyte of files would need to be created.


Such a mod would not be a fix, new content or a significant improvement to existing content. Given a 1 GB file size, it would not likely receive more than a dozen or so downloads.

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